
Simple backend with a deployed database to allow Lambda students to practice GET & POST using forms.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jake blucker photo

Cars backend (practice)

This is a practice backend for Web35 forms practice project for review of the weeks concepts. Database does not have any validation except what is listed below.


  • React -> Use the new Lambda-React app, in terminal: npx lambda-react app-name
  • Backend -> No installation is necessary, the server has been deployed on Heroku.
  • If you would like to clone and deploy this backend, you will need a dotenv file that contains:
    • PORT=????
    • MONGO_URI=??????



  • NodeJs
  • ExpressJs
  • MongoDB
  • Heroku


  • express
  • mongoose
  • helmet
  • morgan
  • cors
  • colors


  • nodemon

URL and end points

Root URL: https://cars-be-practice.herokuapp.com/

HTTP method end point
GET /api/cars/
GET /api/cars/:id
POST /api/cars/


The GET method returns the following object:

  "_id": "5f6284499b888c3ec5b3c31b",
  "vin": "1234567891234567890",
  "make": "hyundai",
  "model": "santa fe",
  "year": 2018,
  "color": "blue",
  "mileage": 43567,
  "wrecked": false,
  "autoTrans": true,
  "doors": 4,
  "createdAt": "2020-09-16T21:31:53.565Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-09-16T21:31:53.565Z",
  "__v": 0


The POST method requires the following object:

	"make": "hyundai",
	"model": "santa fe",
	"year": 2018,
	"color": "blue",
	"mileage": 43567,
	"wrecked": false,
	"autoTrans": true,
	"doors": 4

Query the api

Use the key such that /api/cars?color=red to return on vehicles with color red, chain them together such as /api/cars?color=red&autoTrans=false

key value
vin vehicle id number
make manufacturer
model car model
year manugacture year
color car color
mileage car mileage
wrecked wrecked title
autoTrans automatic transmission
doors car door number

POST key:value

key value type required unique
vin vehicle id number string true true
make manufacturer string true false
model car model string true false
year manugacture year number true false
color car color string false false
mileage car mileage number false false
wrecked wrecked title boolean false false
autoTrans automatic transmission boolean false false
doors car door number numbers false false

Author info: npx mrzacsmith