
Go Programming Language Book Exercises

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Go Programming Language Book Exercises

Solutions for following excersies:

Exercise 8.2

Implement a concurrent File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server. The server should interpret commands from each client such as cd to change directory, ls to list a directory, get to send the contents of a file, and close to close the connection. You can use the standard ftp command as the client, or write your own.

Exercise 8.5

Take an existing CPU-bound sequential program, such as the Mandelbrot program of Section 3.3 or the 3-D surface computation of Section 3.2, and execute its main loop in parallel using channels for communication. How much faster does it run on a multiprocessor machine? What is the optimal number of goroutines to use?

Exercise 8.7

Write a concurrent program that creates a local mirror of a web site, fetching each reachable page and writing it to a directory on the local disk. Only pages within the original domain (for instance, golang.org) should be fetched. URLs within mirrored pages should be altered as needed so that they refer to the mirrored page, not the original.