
while (true) - for Listen() doesn't work for cancelling

Closed this issue · 4 comments


First, thank you for this, it has been very helpful. I wanted to point out that the when cancelling the token the while (true) continues to run and lock up the app. I was able to solve it by replacing while (true) with:

while (!ReadCancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)

Hope that helps!


Hi Richard,
Are you pointing to a specific sample? Can you give more detail as to the setup of your issue?
Sincere thanks,


My apologies! I am referring to the Listen() function for the following:


ReadAsync() should through an OperationCanceledException when the cancellation token is canceled. Is an exception not being thrown?

It was throwing that exception, but once I caught the exception I could not escape the loop. I need to be able to disconnect and reconnect multiple times.