
Import-PSCoreRelease bug

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The file (at least for 7.2.6) is named I'd submit a PR, but it was easier to just hardcode arm32 in place of $env:arch as that's all I care about.

And the OpenSrc.Powershell.wm.xml had some bugs in it from folders with no files present. I had to manually delete 3 lines

        <file destinationDir="$(runtime.system32)\Powershell\Modules\PowerShellGet" source=".\Source\Modules/PowerShellGet/DscResources/" />
        <file destinationDir="$(runtime.system32)\Powershell\Modules\PowerShellGet" source=".\Source\Modules/PowerShellGet/Modules/" />

Plus one for PackageManagement/CoreClr