Openvino Face Recognition with Azure Video Analyzer on Edge

OpenVino Face Recognition modle is wrapper of openvino toolkit with Intel Movidius for Azure Video Analyzer on Edge on Raspberry Pi.
In a pipeline of AVA on Edge, you can use following features.

Feature URI
Face Recognition http://ipaddress:8888/facerecognition
Object Detection http://ipaddress:8888/objectdetection

openvino face recognition

This sample is based on information published at the following sites.

Build IoT Edge Module ( Docker Image)

Recommended Build Environment

HW Raspberry Pi 4 8GB Ram
OS Raspbian Arm32v7

※ You can use Raspberry Pi 3 but you should spend long long time for build. In the case of Raspberry Pi 4 8MB Ram, it takes about 3 hours.


By SSH shell, execute following command

git clone
cd openvino-face-recognition-with-ava-on-edge/EdgeSolution/modules/openvinofacerecog
sudo docker build -t openvinofacerecog -f Dockerfile.arm32v7
sudo docker tag openvinofacerecog your-docker-hub/openvinofacerecog:version-arm32v7
sudo docker push your-docker-hub/openvinofacerecog:version-arm32v7

Run AVA on Edge with OpenVino Face Recognition

You can use Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or Raspberry Pi 4. Installed OS should be Raspbian ARM64.

Setup deployment of necessary IoT Edge Modules

Please setup AVA on Edge and Blob on Edge according to following Docs site.

AVA on Edge
Blob on Edge

Setup for OpenVino Face Recognition

Make directory for Face Identity Database.

sudo mkdir /facedb

Please add several jpeg files of persons who you want to idenfiy according to

Create gzipped tar file of necessary models

Object Detection

You can use various AI learned model for this feature.
Available models are listed at
For example you'd like to use yolo-v2-ava-0001, download the model files and format them into a gzipped tar file on your Raspberry Pi shell.

cd ~
mkdir odmodel
git clone
cd open_model_zoo/tools/downloader
python3 -mpip install --user -r ./
python3 --name yolo-v2-ava-001
cp intel/yolo-v2-ava-0001/FP16/* ~/opmodel
cd ~/opmodel
cp open_model_zoo/data/dateset_classes/voc_20cl.txt
cd opmodel
tar zcvf od-model.taz yolo-v2-ava-001.xml yolo-v2-ava-001.bin voc_20cl.txt

Face Recognition

OpenVino Face Recognition logic use following models

Usage Model
Face Detection face-detection-retail-0004
Landmark Regression landmarks-regression-retail-0009
Face Identification face-reidentification-retail-0095
Age Gender Detection age-gender-recognition-retail-0013

Download above models and format them into gzipped tar file.

cd ~/open_model_zoo/tools/downloader
python3 --name face-detection-retail-0004
python3 --name landmarks-regression-retail-0009
python3 --name face-reidentification-retail-0095
python3 --name age-gender-recognition-retail-0013
mkdir ~/frmodel
cp intel/face-detection-retail-0004/FP16/* ~/frmodel
cp intel/landmarks-regression-retail-0009/FP16/* ~/frmodel
cp intel/face-reidentification-retail-0095/FP16/* ~/frmodel
cp intel/age-gender-recognition-retail-0013/FP16/* ~/frmodel
cd ~/frmodel
tar zcvf fr-model.tgz face-detection-retail-0004.* landmarks-regression-retail-0009.* face-reidentification-retail-0095.* age-gender-recognition-retail-0013.*

Next create face database for reidentification model.

  1. Prepare images taken from the front of the face for each person in JPEG format and store them into same folder.
  2. Create gzipped tar file including the face image files.
tar zcvf facedb.tgz john.jpg bob.jpg ...

After created tgz file, upload it to Azure Blob Container and create URL with SAS Token for downloading by IoT Edge Module.

Deploy Module

Create Options

  "NetworkingConfig": {
    "EndpointsConfig": {
      "host": {}
  "HostConfig": {
    "Binds": [
    "Privileged": true,
    "PortBindings": {
      "8888/tcp": [
          "HostPort": "8888"
    "NetworkMode": "host",
    "ExposedPorts": {
      "8888/tcp": {}

Module Twins

    "send-telemetry": true,
    "upload": {
        "interval-sec": 70,
        "inference-mark": true
    "model-od": {
        "url": "<- url of object-detection-model.tgz ->",
        "filename": "od-model.tgz",
        "name": "yolo-v2-ava-0001.xml",
        "label": "voc_20cl.txt",
        "architecture-type": "yolo"
    "model-fr": {
        "url": "<- url of face-recognition-related-models.tgz ->",
        "filename": "fr-model.tgz",
        "fd-name": "face-detection-retail-0004.xml",
        "lm-name": "landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml",
        "reid-name": "face-reidentification-retail-0095.xml",
        "ag-model" : "age-gender-recognition-retail-0013.xml"
    "face-db": {
        "url": "<- url of face-database.tgz ->",
        "filename": "facedb.tgz"

Environment Variable

For the case of Raspberry Pi + INTEL Movidius

Name Value
BLOB_ON_EDGE_MODULE name of the deployed 'Blob on Edge' module
BLOB_ON_EDGE_ACCOUNT_NAME local account name specifyed in 'Blob on Edge' module
BLOB_ON_EDGE_ACCOUNT_KEY local account key specifyed in 'Blob on Edge' module
BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME container name specifyed in 'Blob on Edge' module
FACEDB_FOLDER_NAME folder name of face database of face recognition. the folder should be same of create option specified
MSG_OUTPUT_PATH_OD message output path for object detection. ex) output_od
MSG_OUTPUT_PATH_FR message output path for face recognition. ex) output_fr

Additional Information

When you want to use this IoT Edge Module quickly. You can use embeddedgeorge/openvinofacerecog:0.5.1-arm32v7 .