
Federated Learning Library: https://fedml.ai

A Federated Learning research library - FedML: https://fedml.ai

Awesome-Federated-Learning Awesome

A curated list of federated learning publications, re-organized from Arxiv (mostly).

Last Update: July, 20th, 2021.

If your publication is not included here, please email to chaoyang.he@usc.edu

Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning

We are thrilled to share that Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning has been accepted to FnTML (Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, the chief editor is Michael Jordan).

A Field Guide to Federated Optimization

Publications in Top-tier ML/CV/NLP/DM Conference (ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, CVPR, ACL, AAAI, KDD)


Title Team/Authors Venue and Year Targeting Problem Method
Federated Learning with Only Positive Labels Google Research ICML 2020 label deficiency in multi-class classification regularization
SCAFFOLD: Stochastic Controlled Averaging for Federated Learning EPFL, Google Research ICML 2020 heterogeneous data (non-I.I.D) nonconvex/convex optimization with variance reduction
FedBoost: A Communication-Efficient Algorithm for Federated Learning Google Research, NYU ICML 2020 communication cost ensemble algorithm
FetchSGD: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning with Sketching UC Berkeley, JHU, Amazon ICML 2020 communication cost compress model updates with Count Sketch
From Local SGD to Local Fixed-Point Methods for Federated Learning KAUST ICML 2020 communication cost Optimization


Title Team/Authors Venue and Year Targeting Problem Method
Lower Bounds and Optimal Algorithms for Personalized Federated Learning KAUST NeurIPS 2020 non-I.I.D, personalization
Personalized Federated Learning with Moreau Envelopes The University of Sydney NeurIPS 2020 non-I.I.D, personalization
Personalized Federated Learning with Theoretical Guarantees: A Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning Approach MIT NeurIPS 2020 non-I.I.D, personalization
Differentially-Private Federated Contextual Bandits MIT NeurIPS 2020 Contextual Bandits
Federated Principal Component Analysis Cambridge NeurIPS 2020 PCA
FedSplit: an algorithmic framework for fast federated optimization UCB NeurIPS 2020 Acceleration
Federated Bayesian Optimization via Thompson Sampling MIT NeurIPS 2020
Robust Federated Learning: The Case of Affine Distribution Shifts MIT NeurIPS 2020 Privacy, Robustness
An Efficient Framework for Clustered Federated Learning UCB NeurIPS 2020 heterogeneous data (non-I.I.D)
Distributionally Robust Federated Averaging PSU NeurIPS 2020 Privacy, Robustness
Group Knowledge Transfer: Federated Learning of Large CNNs at the Edge USC NeurIPS 2020 Efficient Training of Large DNN at Edge
A Scalable Approach for Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Machine Learning USC NeurIPS 2020 Scalability
Tackling the Objective Inconsistency Problem in Heterogeneous Federated Optimization CMU NeurIPS 2020 local update step heterogeneity
Attack of the Tails: Yes, You Really Can Backdoor Federated Learning Wiscosin NeurIPS 2020 Privacy, Robustness
Federated Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Descent Stanford NeurIPS 2020 Acceleration
Inverting Gradients - How easy is it to break privacy in federated learning? University of Siegen NeurIPS 2020 Privacy, Robustness
Ensemble Distillation for Robust Model Fusion in Federated Learning EPFL NeurIPS 2020 Privacy, Robustness
Optimal Topology Design for Cross-Silo Federated Learning Inria NeurIPS 2020 Topology Optimization
Distributed Training with Heterogeneous Data: Bridging Median- and Mean-Based Algorithms University of Minnesota NeurIPS 2020
Distributed Distillation for On-Device Learning Stanford NeurIPS 2020
Byzantine Resilient Distributed Multi-Task Learning Vanderbilt University NeurIPS 2020
Distributed Newton Can Communicate Less and Resist Byzantine Workers UCB NeurIPS 2020
Minibatch vs Local SGD for Heterogeneous Distributed Learning TTIC NeurIPS 2020
Election Coding for Distributed Learning: Protecting SignSGD against Byzantine Attacks NeurIPS 2020

(according to https://neurips.cc/Conferences/2020/AcceptedPapersInitial)

Note: most of the accepted publications are preparing the camera ready revision, thus we are not sure the detail of their proposed methods

Research Areas

Statistical Challenges: data distribution heterogeneity and label deficiency (159)

Trustworthiness: security, privacy, fairness, incentive mechanism, etc. (88)

System Challenges: communication and computational resource constrained, software and hardware heterogeneity, and FL system (141)

Models and Applications (104)

Benchmark, Dataset and Survey (27)

Statistical Challenges: distribution heterogeneity and label deficiency

Distributed optimization

Userful Federated Optimizer Baselines:

FedAvg: Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data. 2016-02. AISTAT 2017.

FedOpt: Adaptive Federated Optimization. ICLR 2021 (Under Review). 2020-02-29

FedNov: Tackling the Objective Inconsistency Problem in Heterogeneous Federated Optimization. NeurIPS 2020

Federated Optimization: Distributed Optimization Beyond the Datacenter. NIPS 2016 workshop.

Federated Optimization: Distributed Machine Learning for On-Device Intelligence

Stochastic, Distributed and Federated Optimization for Machine Learning. FL PhD Thesis. By Jakub

Collaborative Deep Learning in Fixed Topology Networks

Federated Multi-Task Learning

LAG: Lazily Aggregated Gradient for Communication-Efficient Distributed Learning

Local Stochastic Approximation: A Unified View of Federated Learning and Distributed Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

Proxy Experience Replay: Federated Distillation for Distributed Reinforcement Learning

Exact Support Recovery in Federated Regression with One-shot Communication

DEED: A General Quantization Scheme for Communication Efficiency in Bits Researcher: Ruoyu Sun, UIUC

Robust Federated Learning: The Case of Affine Distribution Shifts

Personalized Federated Learning with Moreau Envelopes

Towards Flexible Device Participation in Federated Learning for Non-IID Data Keywords: inactive or return incomplete updates in non-IID dataset

A Primal-Dual SGD Algorithm for Distributed Nonconvex Optimization

FedPD: A Federated Learning Framework with Optimal Rates and Adaptivity to Non-IID Data Researcher: Wotao Yin, UCLA

FedSplit: An algorithmic framework for fast federated optimization

Distributed Stochastic Non-Convex Optimization: Momentum-Based Variance Reduction

On the Outsized Importance of Learning Rates in Local Update Methods Highlight: local model learning rate optimization + automation Researcher: Jakub

Federated Learning with Compression: Unified Analysis and Sharp Guarantees Highlight: non-IID, gradient compression + local SGD Researcher: Mehrdad Mahdavi, Jin Rong’s PhD Student http://www.cse.psu.edu/~mzm616/

From Local SGD to Local Fixed-Point Methods for Federated Learning

Federated Residual Learning. 2020-03

Acceleration for Compressed Gradient Descent in Distributed and Federated Optimization. ICML 2020.

LASG: Lazily Aggregated Stochastic Gradients for Communication-Efficient Distributed Learning

Uncertainty Principle for Communication Compression in Distributed and Federated Learning and the Search for an Optimal Compressor

Dynamic Federated Learning

Distributed Optimization over Block-Cyclic Data

Distributed Non-Convex Optimization with Sublinear Speedup under Intermittent Client Availability

Federated Learning with Matched Averaging

Federated Learning of a Mixture of Global and Local Models

Faster On-Device Training Using New Federated Momentum Algorithm

FedDANE: A Federated Newton-Type Method

Distributed Fixed Point Methods with Compressed Iterates

Primal-dual methods for large-scale and distributed convex optimization and data analytics

Parallel Restarted SPIDER - Communication Efficient Distributed Nonconvex Optimization with Optimal Computation Complexity

Representation of Federated Learning via Worst-Case Robust Optimization Theory

On the Convergence of Local Descent Methods in Federated Learning

SCAFFOLD: Stochastic Controlled Averaging for Federated Learning

Central Server Free Federated Learning over Single-sided Trust Social Networks

Accelerating Federated Learning via Momentum Gradient Descent

Communication-Efficient Distributed Optimization in Networks with Gradient Tracking and Variance Reduction

Gradient Descent with Compressed Iterates

First Analysis of Local GD on Heterogeneous Data

(*) On the Convergence of FedAvg on Non-IID Data. ICLR 2020.

Robust Federated Learning in a Heterogeneous Environment

Scalable and Differentially Private Distributed Aggregation in the Shuffled Model

Variational Federated Multi-Task Learning

Bayesian Nonparametric Federated Learning of Neural Networks. ICLR 2019.

Differentially Private Learning with Adaptive Clipping

Semi-Cyclic Stochastic Gradient Descent

Asynchronous Federated Optimization

Agnostic Federated Learning

Federated Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks

Partitioned Variational Inference: A unified framework encompassing federated and continual learning

Learning Rate Adaptation for Federated and Differentially Private Learning

Communication-Efficient Robust Federated Learning Over Heterogeneous Datasets

An Efficient Framework for Clustered Federated Learning

Adaptive Federated Learning in Resource Constrained Edge Computing Systems Citation: 146

Adaptive Federated Optimization

Local SGD converges fast and communicates little

Don’t Use Large Mini-Batches, Use Local SGD

Overlap Local-SGD: An Algorithmic Approach to Hide Communication Delays in Distributed SGD

Local SGD With a Communication Overhead Depending Only on the Number of Workers

Federated Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Descent

Tighter Theory for Local SGD on Identical and Heterogeneous Data

STL-SGD: Speeding Up Local SGD with Stagewise Communication Period

Cooperative SGD: A unified Framework for the Design and Analysis of Communication-Efficient SGD Algorithms

Don't Use Large Mini-Batches, Use Local SGD

Understanding Unintended Memorization in Federated Learning

Non-IID and Model Personalization

The Non-IID Data Quagmire of Decentralized Machine Learning. 2019-10

Federated Learning with Non-IID Data

FedCD: Improving Performance in non-IID Federated Learning. 2020

Life Long Learning: FedFMC: Sequential Efficient Federated Learning on Non-iid Data. 2020

Robust Federated Learning: The Case of Affine Distribution Shifts. 2020

Personalized Federated Learning with Moreau Envelopes. 2020

Personalized Federated Learning using Hypernetworks. 2021

Ensemble Distillation for Robust Model Fusion in Federated Learning. 2020 Researcher: Tao Lin, ZJU, EPFL https://tlin-tao-lin.github.io/index.html

Proxy Experience Replay: Federated Distillation for Distributed Reinforcement Learning. 2020

Towards Flexible Device Participation in Federated Learning for Non-IID Data. 2020 Keywords: inactive or return incomplete updates in non-IID dataset

XOR Mixup: Privacy-Preserving Data Augmentation for One-Shot Federated Learning. 2020

NeurIPS 2020 submission: An Efficient Framework for Clustered Federated Learning. 2020 Researcher: AVISHEK GHOSH, UCB, PhD

Continual Local Training for Better Initialization of Federated Models. 2020

FedPD: A Federated Learning Framework with Optimal Rates and Adaptivity to Non-IID Data. 2020 Researcher: Wotao Yin, UCLA

Global Multiclass Classification from Heterogeneous Local Models. 2020 Researcher: Stanford https://stanford.edu/~pilanci/

Multi-Center Federated Learning. 2020

Federated learning with hierarchical clustering of local updates to improve training on non-IID data. 2020

Federated Learning with Only Positive Labels. 2020 Researcher: Felix Xinnan Yu, Google New York Keywords: positive labels Limited Labels

Federated Semi-Supervised Learning with Inter-Client Consistency. 2020

(*) FedMAX: Mitigating Activation Divergence for Accurate and Communication-Efficient Federated Learning. CMU ECE. 2020-04-07

(*) Adaptive Personalized Federated Learning

Semi-Federated Learning

Survey of Personalization Techniques for Federated Learning. 2020-03-19

Device Heterogeneity in Federated Learning: A Superquantile Approach. 2020-02

Personalized Federated Learning for Intelligent IoT Applications: A Cloud-Edge based Framework

Three Approaches for Personalization with Applications to Federated Learning

Personalized Federated Learning: A Meta-Learning Approach

Towards Federated Learning: Robustness Analytics to Data Heterogeneity Highlight: non-IID + adversarial attacks

Salvaging Federated Learning by Local Adaptation Highlight: an experimental paper that evaluate FL can help to improve the local accuracy

FOCUS: Dealing with Label Quality Disparity in Federated Learning. 2020-01

Overcoming Noisy and Irrelevant Data in Federated Learning. ICPR 2020.

Real-Time Edge Intelligence in the Making: A Collaborative Learning Framework via Federated Meta-Learning. 2020-01

(*) Think Locally, Act Globally: Federated Learning with Local and Global Representations. NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Federated Learning distinguished student paper award

Federated Learning with Personalization Layers

Federated Adversarial Domain Adaptation

Federated Evaluation of On-device Personalization

Federated Learning with Unbiased Gradient Aggregation and Controllable Meta Updating

Overcoming Forgetting in Federated Learning on Non-IID Data

Clustered Federated Learning: Model-Agnostic Distributed Multi-Task Optimization under Privacy Constraints

Robust and Communication-Efficient Federated Learning From Non-i.i.d. Data

Improving Federated Learning Personalization via Model Agnostic Meta Learning

Measure Contribution of Participants in Federated Learning

(*) Measuring the Effects of Non-Identical Data Distribution for Federated Visual Classification

Multi-hop Federated Private Data Augmentation with Sample Compression

Astraea: Self-balancing Federated Learning for Improving Classification Accuracy of Mobile Deep Learning Applications

Distributed Training with Heterogeneous Data: Bridging Median- and Mean-Based Algorithms

Hybrid-FL for Wireless Networks: Cooperative Learning Mechanism Using Non-IID Data

Robust and Communication-Efficient Federated Learning from Non-IID Data

High Dimensional Restrictive Federated Model Selection with multi-objective Bayesian Optimization over shifted distributions

Client Selection for Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Resources in Mobile Edge

Federated Meta-Learning with Fast Convergence and Efficient Communication

Robust Federated Learning Through Representation Matching and Adaptive Hyper-parameters

Towards Efficient Scheduling of Federated Mobile Devices under Computational and Statistical Heterogeneity

Client Adaptation improves Federated Learning with Simulated Non-IID Clients

Tackling the Objective Inconsistency Problem in Heterogeneous Federated Optimization

Personalized Federated Learning by Structured and Unstructured Pruning under Data Heterogeneity. ICDCS 2021.

Vertical Federated Learning

SecureBoost: A Lossless Federated Learning Framework

Parallel Distributed Logistic Regression for Vertical Federated Learning without Third-Party Coordinator

A Quasi-Newton Method Based Vertical Federated Learning Framework for Logistic Regression

Private federated learning on vertically partitioned data via entity resolution and additively homomorphic encryption

Entity Resolution and Federated Learning get a Federated Resolution.

Multi-Participant Multi-Class Vertical Federated Learning

A Communication-Efficient Collaborative Learning Framework for Distributed Features

Asymmetrical Vertical Federated Learning Researcher: Tencent Cloud, Libin Wang

VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning, ICML workshop on FL, 2020

Decentralized FL

Central Server Free Federated Learning over Single-sided Trust Social Networks

Can Decentralized Algorithms Outperform Centralized Algorithms? A Case Study for Decentralized Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent

Multi-consensus Decentralized Accelerated Gradient Descent

Decentralized Bayesian Learning over Graphs. 2019-05

BrainTorrent: A Peer-to-Peer Environment for Decentralized Federated Learning

Biscotti: A Ledger for Private and Secure Peer-to-Peer Machine Learning

Matcha: Speeding Up Decentralized SGD via Matching Decomposition Sampling

Hierarchical FL

Client-Edge-Cloud Hierarchical Federated Learning

(FL startup: Tongdun, HangZhou, China) Knowledge Federation: A Unified and Hierarchical Privacy-Preserving AI Framework. 2020-02

HFEL: Joint Edge Association and Resource Allocation for Cost-Efficient Hierarchical Federated Edge Learning

Hierarchical Federated Learning Across Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

Enhancing Privacy via Hierarchical Federated Learning

Federated learning with hierarchical clustering of local updates to improve training on non-IID data. 2020

Federated Hierarchical Hybrid Networks for Clickbait Detection

Matcha: Speeding Up Decentralized SGD via Matching Decomposition Sampling (in above section as well)

Neural Architecture Search

[FedNAS: Federated Deep Learning via Neural Architecture Search. CVPR 2020. 2020-04-18](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.08546.pdf

Real-time Federated Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search. 2020-03

Federated Neural Architecture Search. 2020-06-14

Differentially-private Federated Neural Architecture Search. 2020-06

Transfer Learning

Communication-Efficient On-Device Machine Learning: Federated Distillation and Augmentation under Non-IID Private Data

Secure Federated Transfer Learning. IEEE Intelligent Systems 2018.

FedMD: Heterogenous Federated Learning via Model Distillation

Secure and Efficient Federated Transfer Learning

Wireless Federated Distillation for Distributed Edge Learning with Heterogeneous Data

Decentralized Differentially Private Segmentation with PATE. 2020-04
Highlights: apply the ICLR 2017 paper "Semisupervised knowledge transfer for deep learning from private training data"

Proxy Experience Replay: Federated Distillation for Distributed Reinforcement Learning. 2020

(FL startup: Tongdun, HangZhou, China) Knowledge Federation: A Unified and Hierarchical Privacy-Preserving AI Framework. 2020-02

Cooperative Learning via Federated Distillation over Fading Channels

(*) Cronus: Robust and Heterogeneous Collaborative Learning with Black-Box Knowledge Transfer

Federated Reinforcement Distillation with Proxy Experience Memory

Continual Learning

Federated Continual Learning with Adaptive Parameter Communication. 2020-03

Semi-Supervised Learning

Federated Semi-Supervised Learning with Inter-Client Consistency. 2020

Semi-supervised knowledge transfer for deep learning from private training data. ICLR 2017

Scalable private learning with PATE. ICLR 2018.

Domain Adaptation

Federated Adversarial Domain Adaptation. ICLR 2020.

Reinforcement Learning

Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning

Bayesian Learning

Differentially Private Federated Variational Inference. NeurIPS 2019 FL Workshop. 2019-11-24.

Causal Learning

Towards Causal Federated Learning For Enhanced Robustness and Privacy. ICLR 2021 DPML Workshop

Trustworthy AI: adversarial attack, privacy, fairness, incentive mechanism, etc.

Adversarial Attack and Defense

An Overview of Federated Deep Learning Privacy Attacks and Defensive Strategies. 2020-04-01 Citation: 0

How To Backdoor Federated Learning. 2018-07-02. AISTATS 2020 Citation: 128

Can You Really Backdoor Federated Learning?. NeruIPS 2019. 2019-11-18 Highlight: by Google Citation: 9

DBA: Distributed Backdoor Attacks against Federated Learning. ICLR 2020. Citation: 66

CRFL: Certifiably Robust Federated Learning against Backdoor Attacks. ICML 2021.

Deep Models Under the GAN: Information Leakage from Collaborative Deep Learning. ACM CCS 2017. 2017-02-14 Citation: 284

Byzantine-Robust Distributed Learning: Towards Optimal Statistical Rates Citation: 112

Deep Leakage from Gradients. NIPS 2019 Citation: 31

Comprehensive Privacy Analysis of Deep Learning: Passive and Active White-box Inference Attacks against Centralized and Federated Learning. 2018-12-03 Citation: 46

Beyond Inferring Class Representatives: User-Level Privacy Leakage From Federated Learning. INFOCOM 2019 Citation: 56 Highlight: server-side attack

Analyzing Federated Learning through an Adversarial Lens. ICML 2019.. Citation: 60 Highlight: client attack

Mitigating Sybils in Federated Learning Poisoning. 2018-08-14. RAID 2020 Citation: 41 Highlight: defense

RSA: Byzantine-Robust Stochastic Aggregation Methods for Distributed Learning from Heterogeneous Datasets, AAAI 2019 Citation: 34

(*) A Framework for Evaluating Gradient Leakage Attacks in Federated Learning. 2020-04-22 Researcher: Wenqi Wei, Ling Liu, GaTech

(*) Local Model Poisoning Attacks to Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning. 2019-11-26

NeurIPS 2020 Submission: Backdoor Attacks on Federated Meta-Learning Researcher: Chien-Lun Chen, USC

Towards Realistic Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning. 2020-04-10

Data Poisoning Attacks on Federated Machine Learning. 2020-04-19

Exploiting Defenses against GAN-Based Feature Inference Attacks in Federated Learning. 2020-04-27

Byzantine-Resilient High-Dimensional SGD with Local Iterations on Heterogeneous Data. 2020-06-22 Researcher: Suhas Diggavi, UCLA (https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=hjTzNuQAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate)

(*) NeurIPS 2020 submission: FedMGDA+: Federated Learning meets Multi-objective Optimization. 2020-06-20

(*) NeurIPS 2020 submission: Free-rider Attacks on Model Aggregation in Federated Learning. 2020-06-26

FDA3 : Federated Defense Against Adversarial Attacks for Cloud-Based IIoT Applications. 2020-06-28

Privacy-preserving Weighted Federated Learning within Oracle-Aided MPC Framework. 2020-05-17 Citation: 0

BASGD: Buffered Asynchronous SGD for Byzantine Learning. 2020-03-02

Stochastic-Sign SGD for Federated Learning with Theoretical Guarantees. 2020-02-25 Citation: 1

Learning to Detect Malicious Clients for Robust Federated Learning. 2020-02-01

Robust Aggregation for Federated Learning. 2019-12-31 Citation: 9

Towards Deep Federated Defenses Against Malware in Cloud Ecosystems. 2019-12-27

Attack-Resistant Federated Learning with Residual-based Reweighting. 2019-12-23

Cronus: Robust and Heterogeneous Collaborative Learning with Black-Box Knowledge Transfer. 2019-12-24 Citation: 1

Free-riders in Federated Learning: Attacks and Defenses. 2019-11-28

Robust Federated Learning with Noisy Communication. 2019-11-01 Citation: 4

Abnormal Client Behavior Detection in Federated Learning. 2019-10-22 Citation: 3

Eavesdrop the Composition Proportion of Training Labels in Federated Learning. 2019-10-14 Citation: 0

Byzantine-Robust Federated Machine Learning through Adaptive Model Averaging. 2019-09-11

An End-to-End Encrypted Neural Network for Gradient Updates Transmission in Federated Learning. 2019-08-22

Secure Distributed On-Device Learning Networks With Byzantine Adversaries. 2019-06-03 Citation: 3

Robust Federated Training via Collaborative Machine Teaching using Trusted Instances. 2019-05-03 Citation: 2

Dancing in the Dark: Private Multi-Party Machine Learning in an Untrusted Setting. 2018-11-23 Citation: 4

Inverting Gradients - How easy is it to break privacy in federated learning? 2020-03-31 Citation: 3

Quantification of the Leakage in Federated Learning. 2019-10-12 Citation: 1


Practical Secure Aggregation for Federated Learning on User-Held Data. NIPS 2016 workshop Highlight: cryptology

Differentially Private Federated Learning: A Client Level Perspective. NIPS 2017 Workshop

Exploiting Unintended Feature Leakage in Collaborative Learning. S&P 2019. 2018-05-10 Citation: 105

(x) Gradient-Leaks: Understanding and Controlling Deanonymization in Federated Learning. 2018-05

A Hybrid Approach to Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning. AISec 2019. 2018-12-07 Citation: 35

A generic framework for privacy preserving deep learning. PPML 2018. 2018-11-09 Citation: 36

Federated Generative Privacy. IJCAI 2019 FL workshop. 2019-10-08 Citation: 4

Enhancing the Privacy of Federated Learning with Sketching. 2019-11-05 Citaiton: 0

Federated Learning with Bayesian Differential Privacy. 2019-11-22 Citation: 5

HybridAlpha: An Efficient Approach for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning. AISec 2019. 2019-12-12 https://aisec.cc/

Private Federated Learning with Domain Adaptation. NeurIPS 2019 FL workshop. 2019-12-13

iDLG: Improved Deep Leakage from Gradients. 2020-01-08 Citation: 3

Anonymizing Data for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning. 2020-02-21

Practical and Bilateral Privacy-preserving Federated Learning. 2020-02-23 Citation: 0

Decentralized Policy-Based Private Analytics. 2020-03-14 Citation: 0

FedSel: Federated SGD under Local Differential Privacy with Top-k Dimension Selection. DASFAA 2020. 2020-03-24 Citation: 0

Learn to Forget: User-Level Memorization Elimination in Federated Learning. 2020-03-24

LDP-Fed: Federated Learning with Local Differential Privacy. EdgeSys 2020. 2020-04-01 Researcher: Ling Liu, GaTech Citation: 1

PrivFL: Practical Privacy-preserving Federated Regressions on High-dimensional Data over Mobile Networks. 2020-04-05 Citation: 0

Local Differential Privacy based Federated Learning for Internet of Things. 2020-04-09 Citation: 0

Differentially Private AirComp Federated Learning with Power Adaptation Harnessing Receiver Noise. 2020-04.

Decentralized Differentially Private Segmentation with PATE. MICCAI 2020 Under Review. 2020-04
Highlights: apply the ICLR 2017 paper "Semisupervised knowledge transfer for deep learning from private training data"

Enhancing Privacy via Hierarchical Federated Learning. 2020-04-23

Privacy Preserving Distributed Machine Learning with Federated Learning. 2020-04-25 Citation: 0

Exploring Private Federated Learning with Laplacian Smoothing. 2020-05-01 Citation: 0

Information-Theoretic Bounds on the Generalization Error and Privacy Leakage in Federated Learning. 2020-05-05 Citation: 0

Efficient Privacy Preserving Edge Computing Framework for Image Classification. 2020-05-10 Citation: 0

A Distributed Trust Framework for Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning. 2020-06-03 Citation: 0

Secure Byzantine-Robust Machine Learning. 2020-06-08

ARIANN: Low-Interaction Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning via Function Secret Sharing. 2020-06-08

Privacy For Free: Wireless Federated Learning Via Uncoded Transmission With Adaptive Power Control. 2020-06-09 Citation: 0

(*) Distributed Differentially Private Averaging with Improved Utility and Robustness to Malicious Parties. 2020-06-12 Citation: 0

GS-WGAN: A Gradient-Sanitized Approach for Learning Differentially Private Generators. 2020-06-15 Citation: 0

Federated Learning with Differential Privacy:Algorithms and Performance Analysis Citation: 2


Fair Resource Allocation in Federated Learning. ICLR 2020.

Hierarchically Fair Federated Learning

Towards Fair and Privacy-Preserving Federated Deep Models


Interpret Federated Learning with Shapley Values.

Incentive Mechanism

Record and reward federated learning contributions with blockchain. IEEE CyberC 2019

FMore: An Incentive Scheme of Multi-dimensional Auction for Federated Learning in MEC. ICDCS 2020

Toward an Automated Auction Framework for Wireless Federated Learning Services Market

Federated Learning for Edge Networks: Resource Optimization and Incentive Mechanism

Motivating Workers in Federated Learning: A Stackelberg Game Perspective

Incentive Design for Efficient Federated Learning in Mobile Networks: A Contract Theory Approach

A Learning-based Incentive Mechanism forFederated Learning

A Crowdsourcing Framework for On-Device Federated Learning

System Challenges: communication and computational resource constrained, software and hardware heterogeneity, and FL wireless communication system

Communication Efficiency

Federated Learning: Strategies for Improving Communication Efficiency Highlights: optimization

Deep Gradient Compression: Reducing the Communication Bandwidth for Distributed Training. ICLR 2018. 2017-12-05 Highlights: gradient compression Citation: 298

NeurIPS 2020 submission: Artemis: tight convergence guarantees for bidirectional compression in Federated Learning. 2020-06-25 Highlights: bidirectional gradient compression

Scheduling Policy and Power Allocation for Federated Learning in NOMA Based MEC. 2020-06-21

(x) Federated Mutual Learning. 2020-06-27 Highlights: Duplicate to Deep Mutual Learning. CVPR 2018

A Better Alternative to Error Feedback for Communication-Efficient Distributed Learning. 2020-06-19 Researcher: Peter Richtárik

Federated Learning With Quantized Global Model Updates. 2020-06-18 Researcher: Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri, Princeton, Information Theory and Machine Learning Highlights: model compression

Federated Learning with Compression: Unified Analysis and Sharp Guarantees. 2020-07-02 Highlight: non-IID, gradient compression + local SGD Researcher: Mehrdad Mahdavi, Jin Rong’s PhD http://www.cse.psu.edu/~mzm616/

Evaluating the Communication Efficiency in Federated Learning Algorithm. 2020-04-06

Dynamic Sampling and Selective Masking for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning. 2020-05-21

Ternary Compression for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning. 2020-05-07

Gradient Statistics Aware Power Control for Over-the-Air Federated Learning. 2020-05-04

Communication-Efficient Decentralized Learning with Sparsification and Adaptive Peer Selection. 2020-02-22

(*) RPN: A Residual Pooling Network for Efficient Federated Learning. ECAI 2020.

Intermittent Pulling with Local Compensation for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning. 2020-01-22

Hyper-Sphere Quantization: Communication-Efficient SGD for Federated Learning. 2019-11-12

L-FGADMM: Layer-Wise Federated Group ADMM for Communication Efficient Decentralized Deep Learning

Gradient Sparification for Asynchronous Distributed Training. 2019-10-24

High-Dimensional Stochastic Gradient Quantization for Communication-Efficient Edge Learning

SAFA: a Semi-Asynchronous Protocol for Fast Federated Learning with Low Overhead

Detailed comparison of communication efficiency of split learning and federated learning

Decentralized Federated Learning: A Segmented Gossip Approach

Communication-Efficient Federated Deep Learning with Asynchronous Model Update and Temporally Weighted Aggregation

One-Shot Federated Learning

Multi-objective Evolutionary Federated Learning

Expanding the Reach of Federated Learning by Reducing Client Resource Requirements

Partitioned Variational Inference: A unified framework encompassing federated and continual learning

FedOpt: Towards communication efficiency and privacy preservation in federated learning

A performance evaluation of federated learning algorithms

Straggler Problem

Coded Federated Learning. Presented at the Wireless Edge Intelligence Workshop, IEEE GLOBECOM 2019

Turbo-Aggregate: Breaking the Quadratic Aggregation Barrier in Secure Federated Learning

Coded Federated Computing in Wireless Networks with Straggling Devices and Imperfect CSI

Information-Theoretic Perspective of Federated Learning

Computation Efficiency

NeurIPS 2020 Submission: Distributed Learning on Heterogeneous Resource-Constrained Devices

SplitFed: When Federated Learning Meets Split Learning

Lottery Hypothesis based Unsupervised Pre-training for Model Compression in Federated Learning

Secure Federated Learning in 5G Mobile Networks. 2020/04

ELFISH: Resource-Aware Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Edge Devices

Asynchronous Online Federated Learning for Edge Devices

(*) Secure Federated Submodel Learning

Federated Neuromorphic Learning of Spiking Neural Networks for Low-Power Edge Intelligence

Model Pruning Enables Efficient Federated Learning on Edge Devices

Towards Effective Device-Aware Federated Learning

Accelerating DNN Training in Wireless Federated Edge Learning System

Split learning for health: Distributed deep learning without sharing raw patient data

SmartPC: Hierarchical pace control in real-time federated learning system

DeCaf: Iterative collaborative processing over the edge

Wireless Communication and Cloud Computing

Researcher: H. Vincent Poor https://ee.princeton.edu/people/h-vincent-poor

Hao Ye https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=ok7OWEAAAAAJ&hl=en

Ye Li http://liye.ece.gatech.edu/

Mix2FLD: Downlink Federated Learning After Uplink Federated Distillation With Two-Way Mixup Researcher: Mehdi Bennis, Seong-Lyun Kim

Wireless Communications for Collaborative Federated Learning in the Internet of Things

Democratizing the Edge: A Pervasive Edge Computing Framework

UVeQFed: Universal Vector Quantization for Federated Learning

Federated Deep Learning Framework For Hybrid Beamforming in mm-Wave Massive MIMO

Efficient Federated Learning over Multiple Access Channel with Differential Privacy Constraints

A Secure Federated Learning Framework for 5G Networks

Federated Learning and Wireless Communications

Lightwave Power Transfer for Federated Learning-based Wireless Networks

Towards Ubiquitous AI in 6G with Federated Learning

Optimizing Over-the-Air Computation in IRS-Aided C-RAN Systems

Network-Aware Optimization of Distributed Learning for Fog Computing

On the Design of Communication Efficient Federated Learning over Wireless Networks

Federated Machine Learning for Intelligent IoT via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface

Client Selection and Bandwidth Allocation in Wireless Federated Learning Networks: A Long-Term Perspective

Resource Management for Blockchain-enabled Federated Learning: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach

A Blockchain-based Decentralized Federated Learning Framework with Committee Consensus

Scheduling for Cellular Federated Edge Learning with Importance and Channel. 2020-04

Differentially Private Federated Learning for Resource-Constrained Internet of Things. 2020-03

Federated Learning for Task and Resource Allocation in Wireless High Altitude Balloon Networks. 2020-03

Gradient Estimation for Federated Learning over Massive MIMO Communication Systems

Adaptive Federated Learning With Gradient Compression in Uplink NOMA

Performance Analysis and Optimization in Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning

Energy-Efficient Federated Edge Learning with Joint Communication and Computation Design

Federated Over-the-Air Subspace Learning and Tracking from Incomplete Data

Decentralized Federated Learning via SGD over Wireless D2D Networks

HFEL: Joint Edge Association and Resource Allocation for Cost-Efficient Hierarchical Federated Edge Learning

Federated Learning in the Sky: Joint Power Allocation and Scheduling with UAV Swarms

Wireless Federated Learning with Local Differential Privacy

Cooperative Learning via Federated Distillation over Fading Channels

Federated Learning under Channel Uncertainty: Joint Client Scheduling and Resource Allocation. 2020-02

Learning from Peers at the Wireless Edge

Convergence of Update Aware Device Scheduling for Federated Learning at the Wireless Edge

Communication Efficient Federated Learning over Multiple Access Channels

Convergence Time Optimization for Federated Learning over Wireless Networks

One-Bit Over-the-Air Aggregation for Communication-Efficient Federated Edge Learning: Design and Convergence Analysis

Federated Learning with Cooperating Devices: A Consensus Approach for Massive IoT Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2020

Asynchronous Federated Learning with Differential Privacy for Edge Intelligence

Federated learning with multichannel ALOHA

Federated Learning with Autotuned Communication-Efficient Secure Aggregation

Bandwidth Slicing to Boost Federated Learning in Edge Computing

Energy Efficient Federated Learning Over Wireless Communication Networks

Device Scheduling with Fast Convergence for Wireless Federated Learning

Energy-Aware Analog Aggregation for Federated Learning with Redundant Data

Age-Based Scheduling Policy for Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Networks

Federated Learning over Wireless Networks: Convergence Analysis and Resource Allocation

Federated Learning over Wireless Networks: Optimization Model Design and Analysis

Resource Allocation in Mobility-Aware Federated Learning Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach

Reliable Federated Learning for Mobile Networks

FedPAQ: A Communication-Efficient Federated Learning Method with Periodic Averaging and Quantization

Active Federated Learning

Cell-Free Massive MIMO for Wireless Federated Learning

A Joint Learning and Communications Framework for Federated Learning over Wireless Networks

On Safeguarding Privacy and Security in the Framework of Federated Learning

On Safeguarding Privacy and Security in the Framework of Federated Learning

Hierarchical Federated Learning Across Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

Federated Learning for Wireless Communications: Motivation, Opportunities and Challenges

Scheduling Policies for Federated Learning in Wireless Networks

Federated Learning with Additional Mechanisms on Clients to Reduce Communication Costs

Federated Learning over Wireless Fading Channels

Energy-Efficient Radio Resource Allocation for Federated Edge Learning

Mobile Edge Computing, Blockchain and Reputation-based Crowdsourcing IoT Federated Learning: A Secure, Decentralized and Privacy-preserving System

Active Learning Solution on Distributed Edge Computing

Fast Uplink Grant for NOMA: a Federated Learning based Approach

Machine Learning at the Wireless Edge: Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent Over-the-Air

Federated Learning via Over-the-Air Computation

Broadband Analog Aggregation for Low-Latency Federated Edge Learning

Federated Echo State Learning for Minimizing Breaks in Presence in Wireless Virtual Reality Networks

Joint Service Pricing and Cooperative Relay Communication for Federated Learning

In-Edge AI: Intelligentizing Mobile Edge Computing, Caching and Communication by Federated Learning

Asynchronous Task Allocation for Federated and Parallelized Mobile Edge Learning

[CoLearn: enabling federated learning in MUD-compliant IoT edge networks](CoLearn: enabling federated learning in MUD-compliant IoT edge networks)

FL System Design

Towards Federated Learning at Scale: System Design

FedML: A Research Library and Benchmark for Federated Machine Learning

A Survey on Federated Learning Systems: Vision, Hype and Reality for Data Privacy and Protection

FLeet: Online Federated Learning via Staleness Awareness and Performance Prediction Researcher: Georgios Damaskinos, MLSys, https://people.epfl.ch/georgios.damaskinos?lang=en

Heterogeneity-Aware Federated Learning Researcher: Mengwei Xu, PKU

Responsive Web User Interface to Recover Training Data from User Gradients in Federated Learning https://ldp-machine-learning.herokuapp.com/

Decentralised Learning from Independent Multi-Domain Labels for Person Re-Identification

[startup] Industrial Federated Learning -- Requirements and System Design

(startup) Federated Learning and Differential Privacy: Software tools analysis, the Sherpa.ai FL framework and methodological guidelines for preserving data privacy

(FL startup: Tongdun, HangZhou, China) Knowledge Federation: A Unified and Hierarchical Privacy-Preserving AI Framework. 2020-02

(*) TiFL: A Tier-based Federated Learning System. HPDC 2020 (High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing).

FMore: An Incentive Scheme of Multi-dimensional Auction for Federated Learning in MEC. ICDCS 2020 (2020 International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems)

Adaptive Gradient Sparsification for Efficient Federated Learning: An Online Learning Approach. ICDCS 2020 (2020 International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems)

Quantifying the Performance of Federated Transfer Learning

ELFISH: Resource-Aware Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Edge Devices

Privacy is What We Care About: Experimental Investigation of Federated Learning on Edge Devices

Substra: a framework for privacy-preserving, traceable and collaborative Machine Learning

BAFFLE : Blockchain Based Aggregator Free Federated Learning

Edge AIBench: Towards Comprehensive End-to-end Edge Computing Benchmarking

Functional Federated Learning in Erlang (ffl-erl)

HierTrain: Fast Hierarchical Edge AI Learning With Hybrid Parallelism in Mobile-Edge-Cloud Computing

Models and Applications


Graph Neural Networks

Peer-to-peer federated learning on graphs

Towards Federated Graph Learning for Collaborative Financial Crimes Detection

A Graph Federated Architecture with Privacy Preserving Learning

Federated Myopic Community Detection with One-shot Communication

Federated Dynamic GNN with Secure Aggregation

Privacy-Preserving Graph Neural Network for Node Classification

ASFGNN: Automated Separated-Federated Graph Neural Network

GraphFL: A Federated Learning Framework for Semi-Supervised Node Classification on Graphs

FedGNN: Federated Graph Neural Network for Privacy-Preserving Recommendation

FedGraphNN: A Federated Learning System and Benchmark for Graph Neural Networks

FL-AGCNS: Federated Learning Framework for Automatic Graph Convolutional Network Search

Cluster-driven Graph Federated Learning over Multiple Domains

FedGL: Federated Graph Learning Framework with Global Self-Supervision

Federated Graph Learning -- A Position Paper

SpreadGNN: Serverless Multi-task Federated Learning for Graph Neural Networks

Cross-Node Federated Graph Neural Network for Spatio-Temporal Data Modeling

A Vertical Federated Learning Framework for Graph Convolutional Network

Federated Graph Classification over Non-IID Graphs

Subgraph Federated Learning with Missing Neighbor Generation

Federated Learning on Knowledge Graphs

FedE: Embedding Knowledge Graphs in Federated Setting

Improving Federated Relational Data Modeling via Basis Alignment and Weight Penalty

Federated Knowledge Graphs Embedding

Generative Models (GAN, Bayesian Generative Models, etc)

Discrete-Time Cox Models

Generative Models for Effective ML on Private, Decentralized Datasets. Google. ICLR 2020 Citation: 8

MD-GAN: Multi-Discriminator Generative Adversarial Networks for Distributed Datasets. 2018-11-09

(GAN) Federated Generative Adversarial Learning. 2020-05-07 Citation: 0

Differentially Private Data Generative Models

GRAFFL: Gradient-free Federated Learning of a Bayesian Generative Model

VAE (Variational Autoencoder)

(VAE) An On-Device Federated Learning Approach for Cooperative Anomaly Detection

MF (Matrix Factorization)

Secure Federated Matrix Factorization

(Clustering) Federated Clustering via Matrix Factorization Models: From Model Averaging to Gradient Sharing

Privacy Threats Against Federated Matrix Factorization

GBDT (Gradient Boosting Decision Trees)

Practical Federated Gradient Boosting Decision Trees. AAAI 2020.

Federated Extra-Trees with Privacy Preserving

SecureGBM: Secure Multi-Party Gradient Boosting

Federated Forest

The Tradeoff Between Privacy and Accuracy in Anomaly Detection Using Federated XGBoost

Other Model

Privacy Preserving QoE Modeling using Collaborative Learning

Distributed Dual Coordinate Ascent in General Tree Networks and Its Application in Federated Learning

Natural language Processing

Federated pretraining and fine tuning of BERT using clinical notes from multiple silos

Federated Learning for Mobile Keyboard Prediction

Federated Learning for Keyword Spotting

generative sequence models (e.g., language models)

Pretraining Federated Text Models for Next Word Prediction

FedNER: Privacy-preserving Medical Named Entity Recognition with Federated Learning. MSRA. 2020-03.

Federated Learning of N-gram Language Models. Google. ACL 2019.

Federated User Representation Learning

Two-stage Federated Phenotyping and Patient Representation Learning

Federated Learning for Emoji Prediction in a Mobile Keyboard

Federated AI lets a team imagine together: Federated Learning of GANs

Federated Learning Of Out-Of-Vocabulary Words

Learning Private Neural Language Modeling with Attentive Aggregation

Applied Federated Learning: Improving Google Keyboard Query Suggestions

Federated Learning for Ranking Browser History Suggestions

Computer Vision

Federated Face Anti-spoofing

(*) Federated Visual Classification with Real-World Data Distribution. MIT. ECCV 2020. 2020-03

FedVision: An Online Visual Object Detection Platform Powered by Federated Learning

Health Care:

Multi-Institutional Deep Learning Modeling Without Sharing Patient Data: A Feasibility Study on Brain Tumor Segmentation

Federated Learning in Distributed Medical Databases: Meta-Analysis of Large-Scale Subcortical Brain Data

Privacy-Preserving Technology to Help Millions of People: Federated Prediction Model for Stroke Prevention

A Federated Learning Framework for Healthcare IoT devices Keywords: Split Learning + Sparsification

Federated Transfer Learning for EEG Signal Classification

The Future of Digital Health with Federated Learning

Anonymizing Data for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning. ECAI 2020.

Federated machine learning with Anonymous Random Hybridization (FeARH) on medical records

Stratified cross-validation for unbiased and privacy-preserving federated learning

Multi-site fMRI Analysis Using Privacy-preserving Federated Learning and Domain Adaptation: ABIDE Results

Learn Electronic Health Records by Fully Decentralized Federated Learning

Preserving Patient Privacy while Training a Predictive Model of In-hospital Mortality

Federated Learning for Healthcare Informatics

Federated and Differentially Private Learning for Electronic Health Records

A blockchain-orchestrated Federated Learning architecture for healthcare consortia

Federated Uncertainty-Aware Learning for Distributed Hospital EHR Data

Stochastic Channel-Based Federated Learning for Medical Data Privacy Preserving

Differential Privacy-enabled Federated Learning for Sensitive Health Data

LoAdaBoost: Loss-based AdaBoost federated machine learning with reduced computational complexity on IID and non-IID intensive care data

Privacy Preserving Stochastic Channel-Based Federated Learning with Neural Network Pruning

Confederated Machine Learning on Horizontally and Vertically Separated Medical Data for Large-Scale Health System Intelligence

Privacy-preserving Federated Brain Tumour Segmentation

HHHFL: Hierarchical Heterogeneous Horizontal Federated Learning for Electroencephalography

FedHealth: A Federated Transfer Learning Framework for Wearable Healthcare

Patient Clustering Improves Efficiency of Federated Machine Learning to predict mortality and hospital stay time using distributed Electronic Medical Records

LoAdaBoost:Loss-Based AdaBoost Federated Machine Learning on medical Data

FADL:Federated-Autonomous Deep Learning for Distributed Electronic Health Record


Federated Learning for Vehicular Networks

Towards Federated Learning in UAV-Enabled Internet of Vehicles: A Multi-Dimensional Contract-Matching Approach

Federated Learning Meets Contract Theory: Energy-Efficient Framework for Electric Vehicle Networks

Beyond privacy regulations: an ethical approach to data usage in transportation. TomTom. 2020-04-01

Privacy-preserving Traffic Flow Prediction: A Federated Learning Approach

Communication-Efficient Massive UAV Online Path Control: Federated Learning Meets Mean-Field Game Theory. 2020-03

FedLoc: Federated Learning Framework for Data-Driven Cooperative Localization and Location Data Processing. 2020-03

Practical Privacy Preserving POI Recommendation

Federated Learning for Localization: A Privacy-Preserving Crowdsourcing Method

Federated Transfer Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving

Energy Demand Prediction with Federated Learning for Electric Vehicle Networks

Distributed Federated Learning for Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Vehicular Communications

Federated Learning for Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency V2V Communications

Federated Learning in Vehicular Edge Computing: A Selective Model Aggregation Approach

Recommendation System

(*) Federated Multi-view Matrix Factorization for Personalized Recommendations

Robust Federated Recommendation System

Federated Recommendation System via Differential Privacy

FedRec: Privacy-Preserving News Recommendation with Federated Learning. MSRA. 2020-03

Federating Recommendations Using Differentially Private Prototypes

Meta Matrix Factorization for Federated Rating Predictions

Federated Hierarchical Hybrid Networks for Clickbait Detection

Federated Collaborative Filtering for Privacy-Preserving Personalized Recommendation System

Speech Recognition

Training Keyword Spotting Models on Non-IID Data with Federated Learning


FedCoin: A Peer-to-Peer Payment System for Federated Learning

Towards Federated Graph Learning for Collaborative Financial Crimes Detection

Smart City

Cloud-based Federated Boosting for Mobile Crowdsensing

Exploiting Unlabeled Data in Smart Cities using Federated Learning


Federated Imitation Learning: A Privacy Considered Imitation Learning Framework for Cloud Robotic Systems with Heterogeneous Sensor Data

Lifelong Federated Reinforcement Learning: A Learning Architecture for Navigation in Cloud Robotic Systems


A Federated Learning Approach for Mobile Packet Classification


Blockchained On-Device Federated Learning

Record and reward federated learning contributions with blockchain


Boosting Privately: Privacy-Preserving Federated Extreme Boosting for Mobile Crowdsensing

Self-supervised audio representation learning for mobile devices

Combining Federated and Active Learning for Communication-efficient Distributed Failure Prediction in Aeronautics

PMF: A Privacy-preserving Human Mobility Prediction Framework via Federated Learning

Federated Multi-task Hierarchical Attention Model for Sensor Analytics

DÏoT: A Federated Self-learning Anomaly Detection System for IoT

Benchmark, Dataset and Survey

Benchmark and Dataset

The OARF Benchmark Suite: Characterization and Implications for Federated Learning Systems

Evaluation Framework For Large-scale Federated Learning

(*) PrivacyFL: A simulator for privacy-preserving and secure federated learning. MIT CSAIL.

Revocable Federated Learning: A Benchmark of Federated Forest

Real-World Image Datasets for Federated Learning

LEAF: A Benchmark for Federated Settings

Functional Federated Learning in Erlang (ffl-erl)


A Survey on Federated Learning Systems: Vision, Hype and Reality for Data Privacy and Protection

Researcher: Bingsheng He, NUS Qinbin Li, PhD, NUS, HKUST

SECure: A Social and Environmental Certificate for AI Systems

From Federated Learning to Fog Learning: Towards Large-Scale Distributed Machine Learning in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

Federated Learning for 6G Communications: Challenges, Methods, and Future Directions

A Review of Privacy Preserving Federated Learning for Private IoT Analytics

Survey of Personalization Techniques for Federated Learning. 2020-03-19

Threats to Federated Learning: A Survey

Towards Utilizing Unlabeled Data in Federated Learning: A Survey and Prospective

Federated Learning for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices: Panoramas and State-of-the-art

Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning

Privacy-Preserving Blockchain Based Federated Learning with Differential Data Sharing

An Introduction to Communication Efficient Edge Machine Learning

Federated Learning for Healthcare Informatics

Federated Learning for Coalition Operations

Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Networks: A Comprehensive Survey

Federated Learning: Challenges, Methods, and Future Directions

A Survey on Federated Learning Systems: Vision, Hype and Reality for Data Privacy and Protection

Federated Machine Learning: Concept and Applications

No Peek: A Survey of private distributed deep learning

Communication-Efficient Edge AI: Algorithms and Systems