The source code of the Arxiv preprint article (FlexCFL):
Flexible Clustered Federated Learning for Client-Level Data Distribution Shift
This is the extended journal version of our previous FedGroup conference paper.
🎉FlexCFL is a wholly new reconstruction of our previous CFL framework FedGroup.
There are many exciting improvements of FlexCFL:
- TF2.0 support. (FedGroup uses tensorflow.compat.v1 API)
- Run faster and reading friendly. (Previous FedGroup is based on FedProx)
- Easy to get started with only a few lines of configuration.
- The output is saved in
New functions of FlexCFL:
- Simulation of client-level distribution shift.
- Client migration strategy.
- Evaluation for auxiliary server model (global average model).
- Temperature aggregation (experimental).
Some technical fixes of FlexCFL:
- The aggregation strategy of IFCA and FeSEM change to simply averaging according to the original description.
- The maximum accuracy does not include the 'partial accuracy' (In the early training period, not all clients participate in the test)
- Cold start client gradually.
FlexCFL can simulate following (Clustered) Federated Learning frameworks:
- FedAvg & FedSGD -> Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data
- FedGrop & FedGroup-RAC & FedGroup-RCC -> FedGroup: Efficient Clustered Federated Learning via Decomposed Data-Driven Measure
- IFCA -> An Efficient Framework for Clustered Federated Learning
- FeSEM -> Multi-center federated learning
- FlexCFL & FlexCFL with group aggregation -> Flexible Clustered Federated Learning for Client-Level Data Distribution Shift
Python packages:
- Tensorflow (>2.0)
- Jupyter Notebook
- scikit-learn
- matplotlib
- tqdm
You need to download the dataset (e.g. FEMNIST, MNIST, FashionMNIST, Synthetic) and specify a GPU id follows the guidelines of FedProx & Ditto.
📌 Please download mnist, nist, sent140, synthetic
from the FedProx
repository and rename nist to fmnist, download femnist
from the Ditto
repository. The nist in FedProx is 10-class, but the femnist in Ditto is 62-class. We use the 10-class version in this project.
The directory structure of the datasets should look like this:
FlexCFL-->data-->mnist-->data-->train--> ***train.json
| |->test--> ***test.json
|->femnist-->data-->train--> ***train.json
| |->test--> ***test.json
Just run test.ipynb
The task_list
shows examples of several configurations.
The default configurations are defined in FlexCFL/utils/
as TrainConfig
You can modify the configurations by directly modifying the config
of trainer.
The commonly used hyperparameters of FlexCFL are:
# The dataset name, data file should be stored in floder FLexCFL/data/
trainer_config['dataset'] = 'femnist'
# The model name, model definition file should be saved in floder FLexCFL/flearn/model/
trainer_config['model'] = 'mlp'
# Total communication round
trainer_config['num_rounds'] = 300
# Evalution interval round
trainer_config['eval_every'] = 1
# Number of group
trainer_config['num_group'] = 5
# Evalute the global average model
trainer_config['eval_global_model'] = True
# Inter-group aggregation rate
trainer_config['group_agg_lr'] = 0.1
# Pretraining scale for group cold start of FlexCFL
trainer_config['pretrain_scale'] = 20
# Client data distribution shift config
trainer_config['shift_type'] = 'all'
trainer_config['swap_p'] = 0.05
# Client migration strategy
trainer_config['dynamic'] = True
# The local epoch, mini-batch size, learning rate for local SGD
client_config['local_epochs'] = 10
client_config['batch_size'] = 10
client_config['learning_rate'] = 0.003
You can also run FlexCFL with python
. Please modify config
according to your needs.
All evaluation results will save in the FlexCFL-->results-->...
directory as excel
format files.
Please cite the preprint version of FlexCFL
if the code helped your research 😊
title={Flexible Clustered Federated Learning for Client-Level Data Distribution Shift},
author={Duan, Moming and Liu, Duo and Ji, Xinyuan and Wu, Yu and Liang, Liang and Chen, Xianzhang and Tan, Yujuan},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.09749},