
Extracted mirror of https://sourceforge.net/projects/xclaim-xi3.arris

Primary LanguageC



Install the following packages in an ubuntu - 14.04 machine

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/env /bin/env

$ sudo apt-get -y install build-essential

$ sudo apt-get -y install g++ curl cvs bison gettext flex texinfo libtool patch automake gawk lzma module-init-tools libssl-dev

$ sudo apt-get -y install pkg-config unzip

$ sudo apt-get remove libnss-mdns

-If the build host happens to be 64-bit, the 32-bit compatible libraries must be installed.

$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs libncurses5-dev

-If python error occurs for setuptools package, then install it by using the below command

$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

Building steps:

  1. Change the directory to buildroot $ cd <path_to_Xclaim_task_directory>/buildroot

  2. Give the build command in the buildroot directory

    $ sudo make PROFILE=ap-11n-scorpion-xclaim BINBLD_DIR=<path_to_Xclaim_task_directory> BINBLD_IMPORT_TARBALL=depot-release-ap_11ax_x2_ap-arm-qca-solo_112.
  3. While kernel is getting compiled, it asks for some configurations, press Enter for all

  4. It will be built successfully and ends with providing a version number