
Visualize dependencies between Airflow DAGs

Primary LanguageHTML

Airflow DAG Dependencies

⚠️ Deprecation notice ⚠️

The functionality of this plugin is now part of Airflow - apache/airflow#13199

If you find any critical issues affecting Airflow 1.10.x, feel free to sumbit a PR, but no new features will be added here.


  • Visualize dependencies between your Airflow DAGs
  • 3 types of dependencies supported:
    • Trigger - TriggerDagRunOperator in DAG A triggers DAG B
    • Sensor - ExternalTaskSensor in DAG A waits for (task in) DAG B
    • Implicit - provide the ids of DAGs the DAGs depends on as an attribute named implicit_dependencies. For example dag.implicit_dependencies = ['dag_1', 'dag_2']
  • Be careful if you have 1000s of DAGs, might not scale.


Copy dag-dependencies-plugin to Airflow plugin folder and you're ready to go

Only RBAC UI is supported.