- 0
warning at l. 5158 should be modified
#67 opened by holfordm - 4
Improving use of TEI dating attributes
#63 opened by adunning - 0
Render added headings using <h#> tags
#62 opened by adunning - 1
schematron rule for notBefore, notAfter
#38 opened by holfordm - 1
improve gap rendering
#40 opened by holfordm - 5
circulation data in TEI catalogues
#24 opened by holfordm - 3
usage of marc relator terms
#37 opened by schassan - 10
- 1
- 0
citation guidelines for ODD, etc.
#32 opened by holfordm - 3
#31 opened by bequessel - 0
set up automated indexing process
#30 opened by holfordm - 11
Review of schema elements
#22 opened by andrew-morrison - 9
Rename Schema
#2 opened by ahankinson - 2
New schematron rule: origDate
#11 opened by andrew-morrison - 1
Add levels to Schematron rules
#12 opened by andrew-morrison - 1
- 3
adding documentation to the ODD
#23 opened by holfordm - 1
display of attributes in html /pdf output of ODD
#28 opened by holfordm - 3
problem with `subst` element?
#14 opened by holfordm - 0
`<damage>` element should be allowed
#20 opened by holfordm - 3
Schema elements adjustment
#21 opened by andrew-morrison - 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 2
convert2HTML: labelling of unnumbered msItems
#15 opened by holfordm - 3
Enable stopwords
#13 opened by andrew-morrison - 5
merge branches of schema
#10 opened by holfordm - 0
- 5
Documentation for indexing process
#3 opened by ahankinson - 3
improve procedures for authority management?
#6 opened by holfordm - 0
Move XQuery code that is likely to be re-used from medieval-mss to a library file here
#7 opened by andrew-morrison - 15
- 3
Remove dependency on tidy command to generate manuscript XHTML that Blacklight can use
#5 opened by andrew-morrison