Simple Banking App with GO

To initialize a module

RUN go mod init

RUN go mod tidy

To run the app

go build ./banking-application

Run MYSQL on docker

docker pull --platform linux/x86_64 mysql docker run --name some-mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql

Run the Application

SERVER_ADDRESS=localhost SERVER_PORT=8000 DB_USER=root DB_PASSWD=password DB_ADDR=localhost DB_PORT=3306 DB_NAME=banking go run main.go

Write an API to create a New Account for an existing customer

Acceptance Criteria

  • A new account can only be opened with a mininum deposit of 5000.00
  • Account can only be of saving or checking type
  • In case of an unexpected error, api should return status code 500 (Internal Server Error) along with the error message.
  • The API should return the new account id, when the new account is opened with the status code as 201(created)

Make a transaction in bank account


  • transaction can only be withdrawl or deposit
  • amount can't be negative
  • withdrawal amount should be available in the account
  • successful transaction, should return the updated balance with transaction id response
  • error handling should be done for the bad request and unexpected errors from the server side and should return the appropriate http status code with message



  • GET CUSTOMER BY ID GET /customer/{customer_id}
  • CREATE NEW ACCOUNT POST /customer/{customer_id}/account
  • MAKE A TRANSACTION POST /customer/{customer_id}/account/{account_id}


  • GET CUSTOMER BY ID GET /customer/{customer_id}
  • MAKE A TRANSACTION POST /customer/{customer_id}/account/{account_id}

SERVER_ADDRESS=localhost SERVER_PORT=8000 DB_USER=root DB_PASSWD=password DB_ADDR=localhost DB_PORT=3306 DB_NAME=banking go run main.go