

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT


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SHAInet - stands for Super Human Artificial Intelligence network a neural network in pure Crystal

At the Roadmap you can see what we plan to add to the network as the project will progress.


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: NeuraLegion/shainet


Standard training on XOR example

require "shainet"

training_data = [
  [[0, 0], [0]],
  [[1, 0], [1]],
  [[0, 1], [1]],
  [[1, 1], [0]],
# Initialize a new network
xor = SHAInet::Network.new
# Add a new layer of the input type with 2 neurons and classic neuron type (memory)
xor.add_layer(:input, 2, :memory)
# Add a new layer of the hidden type with 2 neurons and classic neuron type (memory)
xor.add_layer(:hidden, 2, :memory)
# Add a new layer of the output type with 1 neurons and classic neuron type (memory)
xor.add_layer(:output, 1, :memory)
# Fully connect the network layers

# data, training_type, cost_function, activation_function, epochs, error_threshold (sum of errors), learning_rate, momentum)
xor.train(training_data, :sgdm, :mse, :sigmoid, 10000, 0.001)

# Run the trained network
xor.run([0, 0])

Batch training on the iris dataset using irprop

# Configure label encoding
label = {
  "setosa"     => [0.to_f64, 0.to_f64, 1.to_f64],
  "versicolor" => [0.to_f64, 1.to_f64, 0.to_f64],
  "virginica"  => [1.to_f64, 0.to_f64, 0.to_f64],
# Initiate a new network
iris = SHAInet::Network.new
iris.add_layer(:input, 4, :memory)
iris.add_layer(:hidden, 5, :memory)
iris.add_layer(:output, 3, :memory)

# load all relevant information from the iris.csv
outputs = Array(Array(Float64)).new
inputs = Array(Array(Float64)).new
CSV.each_row(File.read(__DIR__ + "/test_data/iris.csv")) do |row|
  row_arr = Array(Float64).new
  row[0..-2].each do |num|
    row_arr << num.to_f64
  inputs << row_arr
  outputs << label[row[-1]]
# Normalize using min_max
normalized = SHAInet::TrainingData.new(inputs, outputs)
# Train using rprop
iris.train_batch(normalized.data, :rprop, :mse, :sigmoid, 20000, 0.01)


Basic Features

  • Add sgd,minibatch-update.
  • Add more activation functions.
  • Add more cost functions.
  • Add more gradient optimizers
    • Add iRprop+
    • ADAM

Advanced Features

  • Bind and use CUDA (GPU acceleration)
  • graphic printout of network architecture.
  • Add LSTM.
    • RNN.
  • Convolutional Neural Net.
  • GNG (growing neural gas).
  • SOM (self organizing maps).
  • DBM (deep belief network).
  • Add support for multiple neuron types.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/NeuraLegion/shainet/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
