Get location data of any IP Address within seconds.
- 🌍 Continent
- 🇵🇰 Country Name
- 🌐 Nationality
- 🎯 International Olympic Committee
- 💰 Currency Code
- 📍 World Region
- 📌 Subregion
- 📢 Language Spoken
- 🗓 Start Of Week
- 🚀 Latitude & Longitudes
Install the CLI globally. If you are windows user, run your command prompt/terminal as administrator. If you are macOS user, add sudo
before the following command.
npm i -g geo-location-cli
Enter the following in your terminal.
The CLI will ask you to give an IP address. Enter the IP address you want to get the location information of.
🙋🏻♂️ Hola! I am Saad, an undergrad Computer Science student.
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