
🎲 Run shell command with exec asynchronously

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🎲 node-async-exec

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A package that runs exec command asynchronously and also changes directory if needed to run commands.


  • Asynchronously run a shell command.
  • Run a shell command/commands inside a specific directory.
  • Uses exec node method and process.chdir under the hood.
  • Can be used to build CLI and Node.js based tools.


# install the package
npm install node-async-exec


  • Run a shell command
const exec = require('node-async-exec');

(async () => {
	try {
		await exec({ cmd: `touch example.md` })
	} catch (err) {
  • Change directory and run a command inside of it
const exec = require('node-async-exec');

(async () => {
	try {
		await exec({
			path: `/Users/saadirfan/GitHub`,
			cmd: `touch example.md`
	} catch (err) {
  • Change directory and run a number of shell command inside that directory
const exec = require('node-async-exec');

(async () => {
	try {
		const commands = [`git init`, `touch example.md`];
		await exec({
			path: `/Users/saadirfan/GitHub`,
			cmd: commands
	} catch (err) {

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