Cortext Box

install vagrant

bootstrap the cortext-box !

Then execute these instructions to put the vagrant file on /home/<user>/boxes/cortext-box. Do the addition to /etc/hosts only once, if you install multiple boxes.

$ mkdir ~/boxes
$ cd ~/boxes
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd cortext-box
$ ./
$ exit
$ echo "" | sudo tee --append /etc/hosts > /dev/null
$ vagrant reload

That's it !

You can go to


  • The document root for web projects is ~/cortext-box/src/cortext
  • The VM apache web server is accessible at
  • The VM Meteor Frontend is accessible at
  • Use vagrant ssh to log into the VM
  • Use vagrant halt to shut it down
  • Use vagrant suspend to hibernate it
  • Use vagrant reload to reboot it
  • Use vagrant up to start it
  • Use vagrant destroy to delete it
  • You can modify the parameters in the file ~/cortext-box/Vagrantfile

Run Cortext projects

The /src/cortext/ directory contains remote git sub modules wich points to cortext projects. Current Projects :

  • /cortext-auth : Auth server (build on top of oAuth2) and user manager (in php with symfony/silex)
  • /cortext-assets : Assets server (ie files, directories, analysis, ...)
  • /cortext-manager : Core job manager and script launcher interface

To be commited :

  • /cortext-dashboard : Simple web app to navigate within scripts, assets, and view results of your analysis
  • /cortext-project : Complete web app to manage collaborative work and projects


How do I remove my box completely ?

$ vagrant destroy
$ vagrant remove <name_of_the_box> virtualbox

This way the box will completly be removed from your system, including the virtual drives associate with it. You can also remove the .vagrant folder from the project root directory to remove all traces of vagrant. When you want to start again, you juste have to vagrant up and you're ready to go. (See for details)

How do I know the boxes I have installed ?

$ `vagrant box list`

Can I change the configuration of the box ?

Yes, you just have to edit the Vagrantfile file in the root folder.