
Zenoss 4.2.5 core-autodeploy updated from Zenoss original, Dec 7th, 2016

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Zenoss Core 4.2.5 updated auto deploy script - December 2016

The Zenoss wiki has a link to deploy Zenoss Core 4.2.5 with an auto deploy script - http://wiki.zenoss.org/Install_Zenoss#Auto-deploy_Installation

Unfortunately some of the pre-req / co-req chain appears to have broken as at December 2016. There is a forum append documenting some of the issues at http://www.zenoss.org/forum/146626

This repository contains a new version, core-autodeploy.sh_update_20161208_zenup , which should replace the core-autodeploy.sh file that is downloaded with the package documented on the wiki. Other than that, the wiki article remains the same. Thus, as the root user, change to a suitable directory (may well be root's home directory), and:

  • wget https://github.com/zenoss/core-autodeploy/tarball/4.2.5 -O auto.tar.gz
  • tar -xzvf auto.tar.gz (this unpacks the download)
  • cd zenoss-core-autodeploy-aeb5289 (change to the unpacked directory)
  • cp <path to new script>/core-autodeploy.sh_update_20161208_zenup .
  • ./core-autodeploy.sh_update_20161208_zenup

The pre-requisites for Zenoss Core 4.2.5 are automatically installed by the script but some of the versions of packages need to be rather older than the latest. Packages that are obtained by wget are put under the /tmp directory in a random-name subdirectory. Those packages are included in this repository in the pre_req_downloads subdirectory. You should not need them but it may help someone digging around in the future if stuff changes / moves again.

The script now also installs zenup, the latest pristine file and the latest SUP update file (as of Dec 8th, 2016) - SUP671.

If you need to re-run the script, note that you will need to use "yum remove" to remove the four MySQL packages installed. To be sure, you might want to remove all of the following:

  • yum remove MySQL*
  • yum remove mysql*
  • yum remove zenoss*
  • yum remove nagios*
  • yum remove epel*
  • yum clean all

The new install script will install and enable the epel-release repository.

Output is tee'ed to /tmp/zenoss425_install.out .

I have tested this script against a CentOS 6.3 system.

I would appreciate feedback from anyone else who uses it.


The equivalent script for Ubuntu was built by Zenoss Master "hydruid" and although he has now largely moved away from Zenoss, his auto-install script is still available in GitHub at https://github.com/hydruid/zenoss/blob/master/core-autodeploy/4.2.5/zo425_ubuntu-debian.sh . There is also a copy of a useful blog item on the wayback machine at https://web.archive.org/web/20140701000137/http://hydruid-blog.com/?p=710

Note that the location of the zenoss rpm in hydruid's autodeploy script needs to be changed from http://softlayer-dal.dl.sourceforge.net/project/zenossforubuntu/zenoss-core-425-2108_03c_amd64.deb to https://sourceforge.net/projects/zenossforubuntu/files/zenoss-core-425-2108_03c_amd64.deb/download .

The ubuntu branch of this git repository contains a slightly modified version of his script. Note that there is no requirement to run any of the commands at http://wiki.zenoss.org/Install_Zenoss#Auto-deploy_Installation - this script downloads everything required.

The original hydruid script had an incorporated zenup at version 1.0. This script replaces the zenup package with the latest zenup 1.1.0, installs the latest pristine and then applies the latest (as of December 2016) SUP 671. The zenup package was converted from an rpm format to a deb format with the "alien" utility and the --scripts parameter and is available from the ubuntu branch of this repository.

SUP671 does not install cleanly under Ubuntu as it uses the dash shell rather than bash. One of the check scripts bundled into sup671, check_mibs, uses the "local" construct which dash interprets differently and check_mibs does not have a #!/bin/bash shebang at the top. I have exploded the standard zup (it's just a tgz file), added the shebang to check_mibs, and repackaged it as zenoss_core-4.2.5-SP671-zenup11_Ubuntu.zup which is available from the ubuntu branch of this repository.

Run zo425_ubuntu-debian_with_zenup.sh as the root user (sudo bash). Output goes to /tmp/zenoss425_ubuntu_install.out . Tested on Ubuntu 14.04.

With thanks to "baileytj", "dfrye" and "yuppie" for tidying and testing.


