Market Summary App helps to visualize the 8855 ticker's (stock) Close and Volume from a given date to date.
How to use the App?
1. Select a ticker symbol from the drop-down.
2. Select From and To date from the Calendar widget.
3. Scroll down and watch out for Stock Close and Volume.
Deployed on Heroku.
- Python
- Libraries
- streamlit
- pandas
- yfinance
- get-all-tickers
- Git
- Heroku
1.0.0 (Beta)
- First version.
1.0.1 (Live)
- Updated libraries to fix JSONDecodeError.
1.1.0 (From label added)
- Default FROM value feature added.
1.1.1 (Current stable version)
- Modified headers and titles.
git clone
cd market-summary
conda activate env_name
pip install streamlit
streamlit run