Full Stack Software Engineer (.NET&Core) by profession, PHP & mobile app developer by passion, with interests in AI, Machine Learning & Data Science with Python
SoftifyBD LimitedDhaka, Bangladesh
Pinned Repositories
It's a desktop based Software Application using raw & advanced C# language. Normally it has two dashboard, one for user and another for admin dashboard. Admin can view all things and set/update/delete a route, seat and also payable amount where as user can buy a/multuple ticket but not more than 5 ticket for same time & same route through providing some personal information and amount of their ticket.
This Web Application is developed Asp.Net Web Form & MS-SQL Server-14, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS (Team Lead: Me). It's a smart Diagnostic Center Bill Management System web application. It has three types of user, those are Admin/Manager, Receptionist, Accountant. It has 7 unique features that cover all the necessities for managing billing system of any diagnostic/medical/clinic center.
It's a web application for e-Learning. It has three type of user such as Admin, Teacher and Student dashboard and lot's of collaboration in between all those account type. It's done by advanced PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax. It will help those, who are learning how to crate a e-Learning web portal and can update features those have already e-learning portal exist.
It's a website for a garments. That was done by raw PHP and MySQL. HTML and CSS use for a little bit design.
It's a just simple Laravel 5.4.30 version project, it contains just CRUD(Create, Read, Update & Delete) functionalities. Those, who are learning Laravel as a new student, they can see & upgrade my project. I think it's a very helpful project for laravel fresher because it made by just simple design, no use of template, thanks.
It's an educational web portal for quiz testing. There are three types of user here- Admin, Teacher and Student. It was done by Raw PHP, JQuery, JavaScript, Ajax, HTML, CSS and MySQL database
I wrote a Statement of Work (SoW) Document and a Software Development Project Management (SDPM) plan based on requirement's that provided by honorable faculty member. It will help the latest technology based firm to maintaining their project cost estimation and about future budget cause it's done by following IEEE standard.
I worte a test plan (High Level Document) and execute a lot's of test case (Low Level Document) based on requirement provided by our honorable faculty member. It will help for those company who maintain IEEE standard for Software Quality Assurance (SQA) and Software debugging & Testing and also who follow & maintain CMMI Development Model
It's a e_Ticketing platform, it has whole ticket reservation system as like Now three types of traveling such as Flight, Bus and Train reservation system. It's a responsive and dynamic PHP website.
This Web Applications developed with Asp.Net (MVC-5, EF-6) & MS-SQL Server-14, JQuery, HTML5, Bootstrap (Team Lead: Me). It has 14 features those are really enough for a online university education management system.
msaifulcsse's Repositories
It's a e_Ticketing platform, it has whole ticket reservation system as like Now three types of traveling such as Flight, Bus and Train reservation system. It's a responsive and dynamic PHP website.
It's a web application for e-Learning. It has three type of user such as Admin, Teacher and Student dashboard and lot's of collaboration in between all those account type. It's done by advanced PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax. It will help those, who are learning how to crate a e-Learning web portal and can update features those have already e-learning portal exist.
This Web Applications developed with Asp.Net (MVC-5, EF-6) & MS-SQL Server-14, JQuery, HTML5, Bootstrap (Team Lead: Me). It has 14 features those are really enough for a online university education management system.
It's an educational web portal for quiz testing. There are three types of user here- Admin, Teacher and Student. It was done by Raw PHP, JQuery, JavaScript, Ajax, HTML, CSS and MySQL database
It's a desktop based Software Application using raw & advanced C# language. Normally it has two dashboard, one for user and another for admin dashboard. Admin can view all things and set/update/delete a route, seat and also payable amount where as user can buy a/multuple ticket but not more than 5 ticket for same time & same route through providing some personal information and amount of their ticket.
This Web Application is developed Asp.Net Web Form & MS-SQL Server-14, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS (Team Lead: Me). It's a smart Diagnostic Center Bill Management System web application. It has three types of user, those are Admin/Manager, Receptionist, Accountant. It has 7 unique features that cover all the necessities for managing billing system of any diagnostic/medical/clinic center.
It's a website for a garments. That was done by raw PHP and MySQL. HTML and CSS use for a little bit design.
It's a just simple Laravel 5.4.30 version project, it contains just CRUD(Create, Read, Update & Delete) functionalities. Those, who are learning Laravel as a new student, they can see & upgrade my project. I think it's a very helpful project for laravel fresher because it made by just simple design, no use of template, thanks.
I wrote a Statement of Work (SoW) Document and a Software Development Project Management (SDPM) plan based on requirement's that provided by honorable faculty member. It will help the latest technology based firm to maintaining their project cost estimation and about future budget cause it's done by following IEEE standard.
I worte a test plan (High Level Document) and execute a lot's of test case (Low Level Document) based on requirement provided by our honorable faculty member. It will help for those company who maintain IEEE standard for Software Quality Assurance (SQA) and Software debugging & Testing and also who follow & maintain CMMI Development Model
I wrote User Stories, Use Case Diagram, Use Case Narrative or Project Specification by following IEEE standard also against requirement. It will for those, who are working software team and roll as a software project specification writter, use case designer, user story maker etc.
It's a desktop application that's name is Wondering Bangladesh, it's look like offline search engine done by JAVA and MySQL. It has two user and you can search any district, thana and historical place also. It will help those who are leaning Java and wanna developed a smart short time project.
It's a 2D Space Game, it's environment is any DOS operating system those have Java. It's really awesome design & Game object designed by Paint.Net & Whole project is done by JAVA. It will help those, who are learning Java with advanced topics and wanna be a Game Developer, he/she can find my project and developed it for their future perspective.
It's a simple landing web page using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap & JQuery interaction.
How way we can return multiple values from a c# method, represented here all those ways to return two or more values from a function.
It's an open source and worldwide collaborative project of Islamic way of life and Shariah management. The project name is Code-of-Al-Islam. This project will becoming developed by Asp.Net Core , C#, MySQL, KendoUI, HTML5, CSS, JQuery, Javascript, Bootstrap and other required JSLibraries based on free adminmart-lie admin template
Full Stack Software Engineer (.NET&Core) by profession, PHP & mobile app developer by passion, with interests in AI, Machine Learning & Data Science with Python
:triangular_ruler: Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
Mikrotik Network Connectivity and It's Call for All Existing Version using Asp.Net MVC and tik4net C# Library (Nuget Package) and Here contain REST call for above version of 7.1 and SSL Certification process using TikCommand