
Trying to make a coin on ERC-20 Standards

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Building some sort of coin issuing contract/system.


address payable deployer;
constructor() public{
      deployer = msg.sender;

deployer will always be the address that will invoke this contract.

modifier onlyOwner(){
   if(msg.sender == deployer){

Using a modifier to ensure that only the deployer invoke the function coinDistribution

mapping(address => uint) records; used to store address as key and coins as value.

function coinDistribution(uint _amount, address payable toSend) public payable onlyOwner(){
      records[toSend] += _amount;
function viewBalance() public view  returns(uint,address){
    return (records[msg.sender],deployer);

coinDistribution will be taking 2 parameters and storing it them in the mapping, while the viewBalance will be returns the amount/coins at the deployers address.

To Run this smart contract please follow following steps


  1. Install Ganache (https://www.trufflesuite.com/ganache)
  2. Install Truffle npm install -g truffle
  3. Start Test Network
    • Use ganache gui
      • This will create Test network

Compile, Deploy and Test Project

  1. Inside that folder Compile with following command

    • truffle.cmd compile on Windows
  2. Deploy Contract with following command

    • truffle.cmd migrate on Windows
  3. Test Contract with following command

    • truffle.cmd test on Windows


Check your host and port, make sure to replace it in truffle-config.js

Starting my 10 days of code challenge.

Focusing on Solidity Smart Contract Development.

Will be trying to make a token according to ERC-20 Standards.

A great article shared by Sir Qasim S. Ferozpurwala


Day 1: started the course at udemy.

Finished the basic introduction.
