Micro Blog

A Group Prep

Core Goals
Review CRUD
Review Associations like has_many, has_many ... through
Review Model Validations
Review Form Helpers and Routing
Practice Mobile First Design using Bootstrap
Practice Model and Request specs
Research Polymorphic Associations
Research and practice Git Workflow: branching, pull requests, merging
Research Partials and avoid any form or view related repetition
Research Flash errors in Rails


This is not a solo project for anyone. However, you should work out beforehand how much you'll be able to participate over the weekend. Recommended group sizes are from 3 to 5. This will not be your team for project II, but it will the team you build your understanding with until project II.

Due Date

  • There will be a Monday Check-in where this project will be expected to be completed.
  • You will continue working on this together Monday and Tuesday to add extra session related features.


You and some friends have won a freelance contract to build a micro-blogging prototype for a client. The prototype does not need to have sessions, but needs to demonstrate most of the relationships that the application will have.

After talking to the client you have come up with the following Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).




user.png page.png post.png comment.png tag.png


  • should have many posts, and pages
  • should have some way of accessing tags related to a User
  • has_many posts through PostTags
  • BONUS: Implement a way of looking up users with associated tags
  • belongs to either a post or comment (see polymorphic associations)
  • belongs_to a user


Be sure to try to display errors

  • verify email
    • confirmation (research it)
    • presence
    • uniqueness
    • format with regex
  • verify first_name and last_name
    • presence
  • verify title
    • max length
    • presence
  • verify body
    • max length < 250 characters (microblog!)
    • presence
  • verify name
    • uniqueness
    • presence
    • max and min length
    • format
      • no spaces or special characters
  • verify content
    • length min, max
    • presence
  • verify name
    • inclusion must be about or contact
    • presence true
  • verify content
    • presence


Should have resources for the following, but is not limited to this. Your group should always map out the user flow and wireframes.

Think about setting up resources for the following:

  • users
  • posts nested under users
  • pages nested under users
  • users/:user_id/tags/:tag_id
  • root
  • /about_us
  • post '/posts/:post_id/comments'

Note: you will have also map out how to comment on an existing comment (Hint: this will require more routes and methods in the comments controller 😉 ... )

Should have the following controllers:

  • Site controller
    • home the root
    • about_us
  • Users with full CRUD
  • Posts with full CRUD
  • Pages everything except index
  • Comments only create
    • create redirects to post show
  • TagUsers
    • only show, for the users/:user_id/tags/:tag_id route
    • the show will display all the posts associated to a tag for a `user


Why such meager TagUsers and Comments controllers?

Because tags will be displayed on every posts view as well as on the TagUsers#show view. Similarly, comments will be shown on every posts#show and added there is no need to show it individually, but you will need a create for a comment, because there should be a comment form on the show page for each post.

Bonus Routes

  • Delete Comment


Before Anything

  • Wireframe all views
  • Review and discuss all model relationships, create your own erd.
  • Review, discuss, and document any necessary routes
  • Setup your Github workflow

Next Steps

  • Research any unknowns
  • Setup models, associations, validations
  • Test model functionality
    • validations when creating, updating, finding, et cetera
    • test associations in Rails console and RSpec
  • Setup routes, controllers, and views
  • Request specs
    • check response status
  • All out styling
    • use bootstrap and make it responsive


  • Deploy your application to Heroku
  • Implement responsive design in your application (start thinking how your app would look on different devices) and use this tutorial to help