Node Object Serializer
This repository is part of a collection of my personal node.js libraries and templates. I am making them available to the public - feel free to offer suggestions, report issues, or make PRs via GitHub.
This project provides a library to read JS objects from a file. It supports multiple file formats and automatically selects based on extensions. It can be extended by registing new marshlaing objects.
Supported file formats
- JSON (using JSON.parse and JSON.stringify)
- NOTE: Circular references are not handled by the current implementation
- If the
library is available, the library will use a hybrid parser for json, using JSON5 to parse and JSON.serialize to write - JSON5 is backwards compatible with JSON. If you wish to use the JSON parser, specify it as the parser in your options:
const options = { parsers: { json: Parser.JsonParser.singleton } }
- JSON5 (requires an optional dependency of json5)
- NOTE: Circular references are not handled by the current implementation
- YAML (requires an optional dependency of js-yaml)
- NOTE: Circular references are not handled by the current implementation
Make sure to install the JSON5 and YAML modules in your project if you plan to use them:
npm install js-yaml json5
Using the default instance
The module exports a default instance by default. Any configuration of this instance is shared across all code using the deault.
// Import the default instance
import objSerializer from "@msamblanet/node-object-serializer";
// If necessary, configure it here
const options = { useHybridJsonParser: true };
// Load data...
const a = await objSerializer.fromFileAsync("foo.json");
const b = objSerializer.fromFileSync("bar.yml");
const c = objSerializer.parse("json5", '{ a: 42 }');
// These methods look for a file matching this name with a known extension
const d = await objSerializer.findAndLoadAsync("foo/bar/config");
const e = await objSerializer.findAndLoadSync("foo/bar/config");
// Save data
const data = { a: 1, b: { c: 3 }};
await objSerializer.toFileAsync("foo2.json");
const t = objSerializer.stringify("json5", data);
Using a custom instance
To have a separate configuration:
import { ObjectSerializer } from "@msamblanet/node-object-serializer";
const objSerializer = new ObjectSerializer();
// Proceed to use this just like above...
An object which contains the marshaling functions and configuration data. The default export of the module is a singleton instance of ObjectSerializer. If multiple configurations are required, instantiate separate instance of ObjectSerializer and do not use the singleton.
The constructor takes an optional options to preconfigure the object.
Method to configure the serializer. Available options are:
- ```useHybridJsonParser``` - Replaces the JSON parser with the hybrid JSON parser. The hybrid parser uses JSON5 for reading files but the standard ```JSON.stringify``` for writing. This allow reading JSON files with comments and other JSON5 extensions while still writing JSON compatible files.
- ```parsers``` - A hash of parsers to add to the default parsers. To disable an existing parser, add it to the map with a value of ```undefined```
- Custom parsers can be added by implementing the ```ObjectFileParser``` abstract class. See [src/index.ts](src/index.ts) for the interface specification and examples.
Returns a promise which resolves to the object data loaded from filename
. Throws an exception if the extension of filename is unknown.
ObjectSerializer.toFileAsync(filename, val)
Returns a promise which resolves to val
after the data has been written to filename
. Throws an exception if the extension of filename is unknown.
Returns the object data loaded from filename
.. Throws an exception if the format of extension is unknown.
Note: This performs synchronous file IO and will block javascript execution.
ObjectSerializer.toFileSync(filename, val)
Returns val
after the data has been written to filename
. Throws an exception if the extension of filename is unknown.
Note: This performs synchronous file IO and will block javascript execution.
ObjectSerializer.parse(format, raw)
Parses raw
from the specified format
into a javascript object. Throws an exception if the format is unknown.
ObjectSerializer.stringify(format, val)
Stringifies val
into the specified format
. Throws an exception if the format is unknown.
ObjectSerializer.findFileAsync(baseName, errorIfNotFound = false)
Locates a file of baseName
with an extension matching on of the registered matching extensions and returns a promise resolving to the filename. If ``errorIfNotFound``` is set, it throws an exception if no files are found. Otherwise it returns a null of no files are found.
Note: if multiple matching files are found, there is no guarentee of the order.
ObjectSerializer.findFileSync(baseName, errorIfNotFound = false)
Locates a file of baseName
with an extension matching on of the registered matching extensions and returns the filename. If ``errorIfNotFound``` is set, it throws an exception if no files are found. Otherwise it returns a null of no files are found.
Note: if multiple matching files are found, there is no guarentee of the order.
Note: This performs synchronous file IO and will block javascript execution.
ObjectSerializer.findAndLoadAsync(baseName, errorIfNotFound = false)
Convience methods to do a findFile and fromFile.
ObjectSerializer.findAndLoadSync(baseName, errorIfNotFound = false)
Convience methods to do a findFile and fromFile.
Note: This performs synchronous file IO and will block javascript execution.