Simple PDF/PNG/JPEG render service, accepts webpage URL and returns the resource.
Based on official Debian Jessie image, uses latest electron.
docker run -t -e RENDERER_ACCESS_KEY=secret -p 3000:3000 msokk/electron-render-service
wget -o out.pdf http://<node_address>:3000/pdf?url=
NB: Set bigger shared memory size
) if dealing with very heavy pages.
Note: Add
--security-opt seccomp:unconfined
to supresslibudev: udev_has_devtmpfs: name_to_handle_at on /dev: Operation not permitted
# Enable contrib packages
sed -i 's/main/main contrib/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
# Install packages needed for runtime
apt-get update && apt-get install -y xvfb libgtk2.0-0 ttf-mscorefonts-installer libnotify4 libgconf2-4 libnss3 dbus-x11
# Install from NPM
npm install -g electron-render-service
# Run in virtual framebuffer
RENDERER_ACCESS_KEY=secret xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 1024x768x24" electron-render-service
wget -o out.pdf http://localhost:3000/pdf?url=
Query params (About PDF params):
- Authentication key.url
- Full URL to fetch.pageSize
- Specify page size of the generated PDF. (default:A4
- Specify the type of margins to use (default:0
- Whether to print CSS backgrounds. (default:true
for landscape,false
for portrait. (default:false
- Removes any<link media="print">
stylesheets on page before render. (default:false
- Specify how long to wait before generating the PDF (default:0
- Specify a specific string of text to find before generating the PDF (default:false
Query params:
- Authentication key.url
- Full URL to fetch.quality
- JPEG quality. (default:80
- Specify how long to wait before generating the image (default:0
- Specify a specific string of text to find before generating the image (default:false
- Browser window width (default:rect.width || env.WINDOW_WIDTH
, max:3000
- Browser window height (default:rect.height || env.WINDOW_HEIGHT
, max:3000
)- Clipping rectangle (optional, but all 4 integers need to be set)
Query params:
- Generic authentication key is required.
- Secret key for limiting access. Suffixed keys are used as labels in access log for debugging usage.
- Number of browser windows to run in parallel (default:1
- Number of seconds before request timeouts (default:30
- Default window width (default:1024
- Default window height (default:768
- Hostname to accept Express connections on (default:
- (default:3000
- box-shadow is black in PDF - To keep the box shadow, add
-webkit-filter: blur(0);
rule next to it. Note that this rasterizes the whole layer, making large areas noticeably blurry. Or just hide the box shadow. border-radius
creates double width borders without rounded corners
Not all content is loaded once the DOM is loaded, some data can take time because calls are being made via websockets and other methods. You can delay the rendering by either providing a delay
value in the query string or you can provide waitForText
in the query string.
If you specify waitForText
the service will continually scan the loaded URL until the overall timeout is reached. If the text passed to the variable waitForText
is found before the timeout, the PDF/image will generate and return.