
Resources for oxygen (and other COVID-related things) in Bengaluru


I'll be compiling here all the resources for beds, oxygen, and other COVID-related things in Bengaluru as and when I come across them from reliable sources on Twitter, Instagram, and the likes.

Feel free to shoot me an email at msamogh@gmail.com if you come across any additional resources (or submit a pull request).

Note: The name "awesome" is just a GitHub convention used when compiling large lists of something (~ "this is an awesome place to find resources on X").


  1. Oxygen
  2. Meta resources
  3. Helpline numbers
  4. Financial assistance



Meta resources

  1. COVID-19 Handbook for Bengaluru by VMWare Volunteers
  2. Bangalore-based meta resource for beds, hospitals, crowdfunding, testing including CT-scan, etc
  3. A great Google Sheet with nicely categorized contact numbers for oxygen, ambulances, oxygen beds, medicine/plasma, testing, etc.
  4. Beds availability - BBMP
  5. Twitter search tool - This tool constructs a search query to search Twitter for specific resources (oxygen, remdesivir, beds, etc.) in a specified city. If you have no luck with any of the government and private institutions, this is a great way to find the latest "advertisements" for these resources.
  6. Sprinklr dashboard (latest tweets)

Helpline numbers

Note: Some of these could be redundant.

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Financial assistance

  1. Crowdfunding for treatment