
Attempting leetcode questions

Primary LanguagePython


Python solutions to different LeetCode problems

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Questions List

  1. LC 33 Search in a Rotated Sorted Array - Solution

  2. LC 993 Cousins In A Binary Tree - Solution

  3. LC 771 Jewels and Stones - Solution

  4. LC 476 Number Complement - Solution

  5. LC 387 First Unique Character in a String - Solution

  6. LC 83 Ransom Note - Solution

  7. LC 278 First Bad Version - Solution

  8. LC169 Majority Element - Solution

  9. LC 46 Permutations - Solution

  10. LC 78 Subsets - Solution

  11. LC 367 Valid Perfect Square - Solution

  12. LC 1232 Check If It Is A Straight Line - Solution

  13. LC 997 Find The Town Judge - Solution

  14. LC 773 Flood Fill - Solution

  15. LC 98 Validate Binary Search Tree - Solution

  16. LC 540 Single Element In Sorted Array - Solution

  17. LC 402 Remove K Digits - Solution

  18. LC 208 Implement Trie - Solution

  19. LC 918 MaximumSubArrayCircular - Solution

  20. LC 328 Odd Even Linked List - Solution

  21. LC 19 Remove Nth Node From End Of List - Solution

  22. LC 647 Palindromic Substring - Solution

  23. LC 438 Find All Anagrams In A String - Solution

  24. LC 567 Permutation In String - Solution

  25. LC 901 Online Stock Span - Solution

  26. LC 230 Kth Smallest Element In A BST - Solution

  27. LC 1277 Count Square Submatrices With All Ones - Solution

  28. LC 142 Linked List Cycle II - Solution

  29. LC 109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree - Solution

  30. LC 91 Decode Ways - Solution

  31. LC 151 Reverse Words in a String - Solution

  32. LC 377 Combination Sum IV - Solution

  33. LC 941 Valid Mountain Array - Solution

  34. LC 523 Continuous Subarray Sum - Solution

  35. LC 41 First Missing Positive - Solution

  36. LC 62 Unique Paths - Solution

  37. LC 1048 Longest String Chain - Solution

  38. LC 84 Largest Rectangle In A Histogram - Solution

  39. LC 581 Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray - Solution

  40. LC 84 Largest Rectangle In A Histogram - Solution

  41. LC 11 Container With Most Water - Solution

  42. LC 1557 Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes - Solution

  43. LC 301 Remove Invalid Parantheses - Solution

  44. LC 57 Insert Interval - Solution

  45. LC 80 Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array II - Solution