You are tasked with writing a ruby library to "piratize" ruby objects. The specification for piratization is outlined below.
- Strings should be translated to "pirish", consider looking at the talk_like_a_pirate gem
- The following should be removed from any instances of Strings: "gold", "treasure", "coin", "coins"
- Hashes and Arrays should be recursively processed, and their values (but not keys) also "piratized"
- Any floats should be converted to the nearest rational where 8 is the denominator, eg 2.5 becomes 20/8 and 0.3 becomes 2/8
- Any values are passed to a block if one is provided for additional processing
- If it encounters an instance that includes the module Ship it should call #board! on it
- If #board! raises PartyRepelledError it should replace the instance with a new instance of ShipWreck
- If #board! raises NoTreasureError it should print "Ya! No treasure were found me 'earty!" and continue
- Symbols should raise WhatBeThisError with the message "'Ere, what be a 'symbol'"
- Version controlled with git
- You may use any 3rd party code you wish, ideally gems will be managed with bundler
- Available as a class method, eg Piratize.process my_object
- Available as a module that can be added to any classes
- Available as a method on the Ruby classes: String, Hash, Array, Float
- Some tests, what level of coverage is up to you
You must include the following code:
class PartyRepelledError < StandardError ; end
class NoTreasureError < StandardError ; end
class WhatBeThisError < StandardError ; end
module Ship
def initialize size, treasure
@size = size
@treasure = treasure
@sunk = false
def board! boarding_party
raise "boarding party must be an instance of BoardingParty" unless boarding_party.is_a?(BoardingParty)
if boarding_party.size <= @size
if @treasure == 0
@treasure = 0
class ShipWreck
def initialize ship
@original_ship = ship
Note this code is intentionally incomplete, you may add to this code, but not change what is already there.
You have exactly one hour, you are not necessary expected to implement all of the above, but at the end of one hour you should have "something of value", ie it should do a few things well rather than all badly. It is up to you to consider what demonstrates your skills best within the hour and prioritise accordingly.
Some of things we are looking for in this challenge:
- Recursion
- Monkey patching
- Loops
- Blocks
- Modules
- Gems and Bundler
- Testing
- Version control with Git
- Regex
- Exception handling
This is a simple test to sanity test your basic skills, certain parts of the spec are intentially unclear or ambigious. It is not designed to trip you up but to test your abililty to recognise uncertainty. If you are unsure about anything you are encouraged to ask further questions.