Laravel Advanced Nova Media Library
Manage images of spatie's media library package. Upload multiple images and order them by drag and drop.
composer require ebess/advanced-nova-media-library
Model media configuration
Let's assume you configured your model to use the media library like following:
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\Models\Media;
public function registerMediaConversions(Media $media = null)
public function registerMediaCollections()
Single image upload
use Ebess\AdvancedNovaMediaLibrary\Fields\Images;
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
Images::make('Main image', 'main') // second parameter is the media collection name
->thumbnail('thumb') // conversion used to display the image
->rules('required'), // validation rules
Multiple image upload
If you enable the multiple upload ability, you can order the images via drag & drop.
use Ebess\AdvancedNovaMediaLibrary\Fields\Images;
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
Images::make('Images', 'my_multi_collection') // second parameter is the media collection name
->conversion('medium-size') // conversion used to display the "original" image
->thumbnail('thumb') // conversion used to display the image
->multiple() // enable upload of multiple images - also ordering
->fullSize() // full size column
->rules('required', 'size:3') // validation rules for the collection of images
// validation rules for the collection of images
Names of uploaded images
The default filename of the new uploaded file is the original filename. You can change this with the help of the function setFileName
, which takes a callback function as the only param. This callback function has three params: $originalFilename
(the original filename like Fotolia 4711.jpg
), $extension
(file extension like jpg
), $model
(the current model). Here are just 2 examples of what you can do:
// Set the filename to the MD5 Hash of original filename
Images::make('Image 1', 'img1')
->setFileName(function($originalFilename, $extension, $model){
return md5($originalFilename) . '.' . $extension;
// Set the filename to the model name
Images::make('Image 2', 'img2')
->setFileName(function($originalFilename, $extension, $model){
return str_slug($model->name) . '.' . $extension;
File media management
To manage files just use the nova media library fields which are already required in this package.