- 0
JetSetter Display Is Empty / Blank
#17 opened by evolross - 0
App freezes if session variable value is too large
#16 opened by bwobst - 4
- 5
- 2
- 5
JetSetter package broken after update
#14 opened by garyfoo - 3
Colorize exception
#10 opened by tcastelli - 1
- 3
- 6
Cannot create new Session
#8 opened by nilnullzip - 1
Debug only commented out
#9 opened by abhiaiyer91 - 9
- 6
Fonts become unreadable when editing value
#7 opened by nilnullzip - 1
Feature request: show subscriptions from other DDP connections than the default
#5 opened by remcoder - 1
Feature request: show active DDP connections
#4 opened by remcoder - 5
'setSubscriptionKeys' is undefined
#2 opened by dbhandel - 2
Conflict with Mongol
#1 opened by babnik63