The policy
subcommand provides a couple of functions relating to policy config.
Remember that there may be sensitive information in the response which you want to hide before sharing. |
$ ./bin/apiman-diagnostics -u 'admin' -p 'admin123!' policy --help
apiman-diagnostics policy [options]
-i, --info=<s> Print full policy data with given URL
-c, --config=<s> Print just policy user config with given URL
-h, --help Show this message
So, to dump full information (-i
$ ./bin/apiman-diagnostics -u 'admin' -p 'admin123!' policy \
-i http://localhost:8080/apimanui/api-manager/orgs/test/apis/test/1.0/policies/1461507328255113
"id": 1461507328255113,
"type": "Api",
"organizationId": "test",
"entityId": "test",
"entityVersion": "1.0",
"name": "BASIC Authentication Policy",
"description": "Access to the API is protected by BASIC Authentication through the 'qe' authentication realm. ",
"configuration": "{\"realm\":\"qe\",\"staticIdentity\":{\"identities\":[{\"username\":\"a\",\"password\":\"a\"}]}}",
"createdBy": "admin",
"createdOn": 1461507328244,
"modifiedBy": "admin",
"modifiedOn": 1461507328244,
"definition": {
"id": "BASICAuthenticationPolicy",
"policyImpl": "class:io.apiman.gateway.engine.policies.BasicAuthenticationPolicy",
"name": "BASIC Authentication Policy",
"description": "Enables HTTP BASIC Authentication on an API. Some configuration required.",
"icon": "lock",
"templates": [
"language": null,
"template": "Access to the API is protected by BASIC Authentication through the '${realm}' authentication realm. @if{forwardIdentityHttpHeader != null}Successfully authenticated requests will forward the authenticated identity to the back end API via the '${forwardIdentityHttpHeader}' custom HTTP header.@end{}"
"pluginId": null,
"formType": "Default",
"form": null,
"deleted": false
"orderIndex": 1
Or just config (-c
$ ./bin/apiman-diagnostics -u 'admin' -p 'admin123!' policy \
-c http://localhost:8080/apimanui/api-manager/orgs/test/apis/test/1.0/policies/1461507328255113
"realm": "qe",
"staticIdentity": {
"identities": [
"username": "a",
"password": "a"