- http service for unity3d clients
- keeps game state
- clients will poll for changes? unsure (websockets would be the ideal protocol to use but to complex given time constraints)
- a multiplayer game for 2-players (maybe more players at a later date)
- the game is turn based
- based on chess
- and advanced war
- a player starts from the main menu
- creates a name
- chooses to either:
- create a new session or
- join an existing session
- once a session has two players:
- player 1 (the host, for simplicity) chooses an HQ
- player 2 then chooses an HQ
- for each turn a player has a specified amount of action points (AP)
- any action the player takes, has a cost in AP
- can move units from one node to another
- can train units on nodes
- can mount an attack on an enemy node
- a player is victorious once one victory condition is met:
- by attrition (related to 'faith/willingness/someword' for a stat that ticks up or down)
- by destroying the enemy hq
todo: create seperate docs for each component of the system