Obsidian to Hugo

Finds all markdown files in specified Obsidian folders and converts links to the Hugo link syntax, then copies over the files into specified Hugo posts/blog folder.

WARNING: Whatever path you set for the posts folder in Hugo will be deleted and remade every time you run the script.

Run it

  1. Make a copy of config-example.py and rename it to config.py, and add your Obsidian vault path, the folders inside the Obsidian vault you want to move over to Hugo, and the Hugo posts/blog path
  2. Run python main.py

Run tests

Use pytest or pytest -q to run tests.

The code block test should be the only one failing.


  • change it so [[text]] inside a code block (with the triple backticks) doesn't get converted to a link
  • create an optional setting: check the date yaml key in each post to see if it's today's date or earlier, otherwise it won't copy over
  • be able to add obsidian folders to check for images, and if a local image link is found in a post, copy over the image to Hugo and update the image link