Megadrive Controller Test

An Arduino sketch to allow testing the function of a Sega Megadrive controller (either 3 or 6 button). This will poll all the inputs at approximately 60Hz, blink the in-built LED if an input is detected, and output the status of each on the USB serial line every tenth sample, with the following order:


where each position denotes the following buttons:

  • U up button
  • D down button
  • L left button
  • R right button
  • S start button
  • A A button
  • B B button
  • C C button
  • M mode button
  • X X button
  • Y Y button
  • Z Z button

The value at each position can either be the short label above, or . to indicate that the button isn't being pressed.


This has been developed and tested solely on an Arduino Uno.

The expected pin mapping is:

Arduino   Serial Port
    5           1
    2           2
    3           3
    4           4
    6           6
    7           7
    9           9

Deviation from the straight mapping is due to pin 1 on the Arduino Uno also being used as TX for the serial port.