
My neovim config for typescript development

Primary LanguageLua

Install Neovim and another dependencies

  brew install neovim luajit tree-sitter fd rg fzf

Clone this repository

  git clone https://github.com/mscandan/nvim-config ~/.config/nvim


  • to install plugins we need to install plugin manager
      git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim\
  • to install plugins run this command in Neovim
  • to install lsp's run this command in Neovim
      :MasonInstall typescript-language-server css-lsp eslint_d html-lsp lua-language-server tailwindcss-language-server gopls rust-analyzer

Key Bindings

Binding Command
space lead key
;f project wide file search
sf file search in cwd
;r project wide grep
\ buffer search
leader+ca code actions
ctrl+j go to next diagnostic
K hover doc
gd go to definition
gr go to references
gR rename
leader+h Go to left split
leader+l Go to right split
leader+k Go to top split
leader+j Go to bottom split
leader+n Go to next buffer
leader+p Go to previous buffer
gcc Comment
gcb Block comment


Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 11 48 45 AM

Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 11 49 13 AM

Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 11 49 31 AM

Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 11 49 51 AM