This repository contains sample scripts to interact with Monitis API (

- Exchange2010 : create a custom monitor and then upload the current number of queued messages
- Hyper-V: creates a pages and adds several custom monitors gathering data from Performance Counters
- ParseLog: creates a pages and adds several custom. Script for parsing text log files.

- Active Directory : create a custom monitor and then upload values obtained from counting users in an Active Directory group
- AdvSQL : creates a pages and adds several custom monitors gathering data from Performance Counters and from querying SQL Server
- BulkAdd : allows you to bulk add several External Monitors in a batch entering them in an Excel spreadsheet, exporting to CSV and then process the exported file
- EvtLog : create a custom monitor and then upload values obtained from counting events in the Windows Event Log
- IIS : creates a pages and adds and External Monitor and several Custom monitors gathering data from Performance Counters for monitoring Internet Information Services
- Misc: monitors management scripts
- PerfCtrs : create a custom monitor and then upload values obtained from Performance Counters
- SQL : create a custom monitor and then upload values obtained from a SQL Server query
- WMI : create a custom monitor and then upload values obtained from a WMI query