
A Movable Type plugin that provides a collection of extra template tags

Primary LanguagePerl

This plugin provides Movable Type users with an assortment of miscellaneous tags that do not ship with Movable Type by default. These tags are divided into several groups:

  • Modifiers

    • days_old
    • nice_size
  • Function Tags

    • AssetModifiedDate
    • AssetModifiedBy
    • AssetFileSize
    • EntryWeekOfYear
  • Conditional Tags

    • FolderHasPages?
    • FolderHasIndex?
    • IsTopLevelFolder?
    • IfPluginInstalled?
    • CategoryHasChildren?
    • CategoryIsAncestor?
    • CategoryIsSibling?
    • CategoryIsDescendent?
  • Block/Container Tags

    • AssetEntries
    • EntryPrimaryCategory



A template tag modifier designed for use with date strings. User is intended to use a date string formatted as a timestamp e.g. %Y%m%d%H%M%S. The tag will then output the number of days since the date in question.


<mt:assets lastn="5">
<li><$mt:AssetLabel$> (<$mt:AssetModifiedDate format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S" days_old="1"$> days old)</li>


Transforms an integer into a nicely formatted file size, automatically selecting kB, MB, GB, etc accordingly. You can pass in, as a value to the modifier, the precision you would like to use (expressed as the number of decimal places) for outputted number/file size.


<$mt:AssetFileSize nice_size="2"$>

Function Tags


Outputs the modification date of the current asset in context. See the L tag for supported attributes.


Outputs the author responsible for modifying the current entry in context.


Returns the file size, in bytes, of the asset in context.


Returns the numerical week of year for the current entry in context.


  <mt:EntryTitle> - <mt:EntryWeekOfYear>

Conditional Tags


A container tag that evaluates to true if the current folder in context contains any published pages.


    <$mt:FolderLabel$> has pages.
    <$mt:FolderLabel$> has NO pages. 


A container tag that evaluates to true if the current folder in context contains a page that has a baename equal to 'index.'


    <$mt:FolderLabel$> has an index page.
    <$mt:FolderLabel$> has NO index page. 


Evaluates contained template tags if the current folder in context is the top most, root level folder on the system.

This tag is important to differentiate between the tag "HasParentFolder" which returns false if the current folder in context is at the root level OR the first level.


          <$mt:PageTitle$> is in the root folder.


=head2 IfPluginInstalled

Checks to see if a given plugin is installed allowing one to turn on and off elements of a theme accordingly.


  • plugin - The plugin ID you want to check to see is installed.


<mt:IfPluginInstalled plugin="AssetGallery">
  <mt:if tag="EntryGalleryAssetCount" gt="0">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="<mt:StaticWebPath>plugins/AssetGallery/blog/slideshow.css" type="text/css" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="<mt:StaticWebPath>plugins/AssetGallery/blog/jquery.jcarousel.css" type="text/css" />


This template tag is a conditional block tag that looks to see if the current category in context has any child categories.


This template tag is a conditional block tag that looks to see if the current category is an ancestor to the specified category.


  • category - The name or path of the category which you want to check against.


This template tag is a conditional block tag that looks to see if the current category is a sibling to the specified category, or in other words if the two categories share the same parent.


  • category - The name or path of the category which you want to check against.


This template tag is a conditional block tag that looks to see if the current category is a descendent to the specified category.


  • category - The name or path of the category which you want to check against.

Block/Container Tags


Iterates over the list of entries associated with the current asset in context.


The following will output the title of each entry with an asset associated to it.



There is a template tag in Movable Type that does not behave quite like you'd expect. The template tag "mt:EntryCategory" is not a container tag that allows you to access all aspects of the current entry's primary category. For legacy reasons, this tag instead simply returns to the current entry's primary category label.

B template tag provides what might otherwise expect from the mt:EntryCategory tag. This tag is a block tag that can be used to output the current entries primary category label, as well as basename, as well as anything!


    <p><$mt:EntryTitle$> is in <$mt:CategoryLabel$> which can be found in

Requesting Template Tags of Your Own

Need a template tag for Movable Type? Ask us to write one for you. If it is quick and easy we will happily do so:


About Endevver

We design and develop web sites, products and services with a focus on simplicity, sound design, ease of use and community. We specialize in Movable Type and offer numerous services and packages to help customers make the most of this powerful publishing platform.



Copyright 2009-2010, Endevver, LLC. All rights reserved.


This plugin is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.