
This plugin allows you to run a photo contest on an MT blog with public photo submissions enabled.

Installation & setup:

  • Install the plugin by copying the PhotoContest folder into the /plugins folder of the MT installation

  • Log in to MT and let the installer run

  • Create two new custom fields (see the images in the documentation folder). Make sure the basename is exactly as shown.

  • In the 'Create Entry' template module, add following line just before the 'Kopf' include:

    <mt:include module="Photo Contest Form Javascript">

  • Republish the 'Create Entry' template

Optional step to give each author a starting amount of photos to submit before the 1st of the month:

  • Copy the taskmaster script from the 'tools' folder into the 'tools' folder of the MT installation

  • Edit and temporarily comment out the line

    if (($dayOfMonth == "1") && ($hour < 2)){

    and the } that closes the block.

  • Run following command from inside the MT home directory (it takes a while to complete):

tools/task-master forcerun reset_available_contestphotos

  • Don't forget to uncomment the line again after that.


  • The photo upload form should now show an extra checkbox allowing the user to submit the uploaded photo for the contest
  • A message appears next to this checkbox indicating how many photos they can still submit
  • If this number is zero, the checkbox is disabled
  • When submitting a photo, the number of remaining photos is decremented
  • To show the contest photos for a month, create a Monthly archive, and instead of plain <mt:entries> use <mt:entries field:add_to_contest="1">. Note: a system template module named "Photo Contest Photos" is available with an example.