
Parse feeds to create Movable Type entries

Primary LanguagePerl

Reblog is a Movable Type plugin that parses Atom and RSS feeds and transforms feed entries into MT entries. Imports can be run either manually or in the background using run-periodic-tasks.

Movable Type 4.25

Beyond the CPAN modules included in MT's extlib directory, the following modules are required:
    * DateTime
    * Date::Parse
    * Switch

Optional modules:
    * XML::Liberal
    * XML::LibXML
    * Six Apart Services' MT::Test (<http://github.com/sixapart/movable-type-test/tree/master>) for running unit tests

This plugin is licensed under the GPL.

Copyright © 2007 - 2009, Six Apart Ltd.
Enhancements to update frequencies and hierarchical category support, Copyright © 2011, After6 Services LLC.