
Primary LanguageJavaScript



C-Type is a 2d side-scrolling pilot-a-space-cat shooter. The player controls O.T.I.S, a robotic, domestic house cat capable of traversing the vast expanse of space.

Gameplay is moving in eight directions and navigating obstacles and fighting enemies. Enemies fly in pre-determined patterns that are fairly easy to engage given only one enemy group, but as more spawn concurrently the challenge ramps up. Defeating groups of enemies grants new and stronger abilities to the player.

The game is specifically inspired by the classic NES game, R-Type, and more broadly inspired by the golden age of 2d side-scrollers in the early console years.


  • User can press the left/right/up/down to move in 8 directions.
  • Game scrolls from start of level to end, halting scroll at the end for some kind of final challenge.
  • Enemies are generated in groups and follow patterns.
  • Contact with an enemy, enemy projectile, or obstacle kills the player.
  • Improved weapons include laser shot and spread shot.
  • Player can gain 'Shield Orbs' that sit immediately in front of O.T.I.S and absorb a set amount of enemies/projectiles.
  • Player can gain 'Force' orbs, which float in space close to the player. One or more fire projectile when the player does, and intercept enemies and projectiles.

Architecture & Technologies

  • Vanilla JS for game logic
  • Vanilla JS & HTML5 Canvas for rendering
  • Webpack to package JS files into a single script

Implementation Timeline

Wednesday, July 17
  • Project proposal completed
  • Project setup with webpack
  • Asteroid demo completed in preparation
Thursday, July 18
  • Game screen is rendering and scrolling
  • Generate terrain and overall level layout
Friday, July 19
  • Abstract MovingObject class implemented. Anything that moves can
    • move in 8 directions
    • generate a Projectile
  • Concrete Ship implemented.
    • describes a MovingObject that
      • the player controls
      • is destroyed in collisions
      • Ship moves in backward directions roughly 80% as fast as normal motion
      • BONUS Ship can 'pounce' ie jump in a direction. Has a recharge timer.
  • Abstract Projectile implemented.
    • describes a MovingObject that
      • has an owner
      • destroys and is (usually) destroyed in any collisison
  • Concrete BasicShot implemented
    • Singular 'bullet' type Projectile
    • Ship can fire these
Saturday, July 20
  • Abstract Enemy extends MovingObject implemented
    • describes a MovingObject that
      • belongs to a group. (destroying whole groups of enemies rewards powerups)
      • destroys Ship in collisions
      • is destroyed by Ship projectiles (# required to destroy varies)
      • is not destroyed by any other enemies projectiles
  • 3 types of enemies/patterns
    • Concrete Bug extends Enemy - linear movement pattern. Fires linear shots infrequently. Single shot kill.
    • Concrete Spider extends Enemy - Angular or circular movement pattern. Fires linear shots frequently. Smaller groups. Double shot kill.
    • BONUSRed dot extends Enemy - gravitational effect on Ship, indestructable. Does not fire.
Sunday, July 21
  • Collisions implemented - Ship with terrain (Ship destroyed)
  • Collisions implemented - Ship with enemy (both destroyed)
  • Collisions implemented - Ship/Enemy with bullets (check shot dmg against MovingObject health, destroy objects as required)
  • Concrete Player class
    • has total lives, total score
  • On Ship death - Player lives are reduced, Ship respawns if lives remaining, or else GAME OVER
Monday, July 22
  • Abstract PowerUp implemented
    • MovingObjects that
      • float in space in a pattern
      • are destroyed only when the Ship collides with them
      • have a payload - either a Projectile or Orb they confer to the player's Ship
      • are generated when the player fulfills certain criteria (eg enemy grouping wiped out, total enemies killed)
      • BONUS Ship's paw swipes to grab nearby projectiles
  • The following classes extend Projectile :
    • LaserShot - fires a beam projectile. Essentially a longer BasicShot, ie 10 units wide by 1 high. Destroys multiple enemies before it's destroyed.
    • SpreadShot - projectiles start clumped at Ship and spread out as they move forward
    • BONUS HelixShot - Ship shoots two lasers that move in matched opposite arcs that describe circles
    • BONUS Missiles - Ship automatically shoots missiles upward and downward. Wider and slower.
  • AbstractOrb implemented
    • A MovingObject that
      • has a position that is always relative to the player Ship
      • destroys enemies and enemy projectiles in collisions
      • Potentially has a limited amount of health
  • Concrete ShieldOrb implemented
    • An Orb that
      • has a limited amount of health, which is reduced in enemy collisions
      • sits immediately in front of the player Ship.
        • 1 orb - same y axis as player Ship
        • 2 orbs - y axis position +/- a small amount of Ship position
  • Concrete ForceOrb extends Orb implemented
    • An Orb that
      • has unlimited health
      • sits more loosely around the Ship
      • can move in 'orbit' around the Ship
      • fires an identical projectile from it's position whenever the Ship fires
    • BONUS: Player can press a button to change position of force orbs to different orientations and patterns
  • Implement a final challenge/boss fight