
Clone of Audible.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Laudable is an Audible clone created by Marc Schlossberg. It replicates some of the core features and styling of the original site using Node, Rails, React, and Redux.

Core Features Details
User Auth Bootstrap, Login/Signup, Auth/Protected Pages
Search & Nav Search, Browse, Sign In/Out
Categories Index, Show
Books Display, Reviews, Add New Review

User Auth

  • Laudable implements a standard Rails backend auth pattern (session_token, password_digest) and connects that to React by bootstrapping the current user to the window.

Users can login/signup, with errors on form submit validated at the model level and passed back up to the front end.

  • Password (and password re-entry on sign up) use model level validations but don't store the values in the database
Login w/ Errors


Signup w/ Errors

Auth/Protected Routes

  • Auth pages are only accessible when no user is logged in (login, signup, auth splash)

  • Protected pages are only accessible when there is a logged in user (categories, books, reviews)

Auth Splash

Protected Splash

Search & Nav

  • User navigates the site using the nav bar at the top. They can browse, search, and sign in/out.