
Emulate xmonad/herbstluftwm workspace behavior for i3.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


This tool emulates the workspace behavior of xmonad and herbstluftwm. When switching to a workspace with this tool, it tries to pull the target workspace to the current screen. If the target workspace is visible on a different screen, i3-wk exchanges the workspace of the current screen with the workspace of the other screen.


Call i3-wk <workspace name> and it switches to that workspace. If you want to replace the default workspace switch keys with i3-wk you can use these bindings:

bindsym --release $mod+1 exec --no-startup-id i3-wk 1
bindsym --release $mod+2 exec --no-startup-id i3-wk 2
bindsym --release $mod+3 exec --no-startup-id i3-wk 3
bindsym --release $mod+4 exec --no-startup-id i3-wk 4

Using --release is necessary because i3 acts weird if i3-wk switches workspaces while the keys are still pressed.

Runtime Dependencies

  • i3-msg


i3-wk is written in Rust and requires Cargo to download the dependencies.

cargo build --release

The final binary is at target/release/i3-wk and can be copied or symlinked somewhere else if needed.