
Collection of several small programs showcasing the use of Blech within the Arduino ecosystem.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

blechexamples_arduino: A Collection of Blech-Projects on Arduino

See the companion-blogpost for an intro. Each project resides in a sub-directory and is equipped with a Makefile and README.


The workflow is (almost) the same for all projects.

$ make


All projects written for an Arduino-Board using Blech.

  1. blink: Blinking the onboard-LED. Blogpost
  2. RGB_LED: Cycling through the color-space of an RGB-LED. Blogpost
  3. Digital_Inputs: Button controlling an LED. Blogpost
  4. Digital_Inputs_2: Button-controlled LED with double-click detection. Blogpost
  5. passive_buzzer: Playing sound via a passive buzzer. Blogpost
  6. Ultrasonic_Sensor: Reading echoes from an ultrasonic sensor. Blogpost
  7. DHT11: Measure temperature/humidity via a DHT11-sensor. Blogpost
  8. DHT11_MQTT: Using the DHT11-sensor and sending its measurements to an MQTT-broker. Blogpost
  9. matrix2bytes: a small python-script used as helper for my next project. Blogpost
  10. LED_DotMatrix: controlling a MAX7219 LED-Display. Blogpost