To enable the plugin within your Orthanc server, setup the location of the plugin within the Orthanc configuration file.
"Plugins" : [
"Plugins" : [
"Plugins" : [
After that either add the plugin specific configuration into Orthanc's main configuration file, or setup Orthanc to parse all json files within a folder.
"AzureBlobStorage" : {
"EnableStorage" : true,
"ConnectionString" : "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX;AccountKey=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY;",
"ContainerName" : "orthanc-storage"
The plugin can be build on all major platforms.
# bootstrap the system in order to retrieve necessary thridparties libraries as well as the orthanc sources
cd build
cmake --build . --config release --target install -- -j
cmake --build . --config debug --target install -- -j