This project contains 46 healthy aging (n = 25, RC41\*) participants and participants with Parkinson's disease (n = 21, RC42\*) at two sessions each. At each session, subjects acquired 6 repetitions of the ANT task (1-6). Scans are the same by number across subjects, although they were presented in varying orders. Task timing and anatomical scans by session are also included. The `derivatives/` directory contains AFNI-preprocessed scans as well as anatomical scans skullstripped before defacing. The derivatives have been slice-timing corrected already, so 0s are provided for that field. At the top level is complete demographic information and the AFNI script for preprocessing. Exceptions ---------- One subject (RC4206) had an acquisition error during their second session structural scan. Correspondingly, their structural scan from their first session has been copied for their second session to create a valid BIDS directory. Change Log ---------- 2.0.3 (2019/05/15) Rename project 2.0.1-2 (2019/05/10) Tweaks to README 2.0.0 (2019/05/09) Add processsed derivatives 1.1.0 (2019/05/08) Upload all subjects raw data + skullstrips 1.0.0 (2019/05/08) Upload one subject (API being weird)
Fork of the original OpenNeuro dataset, in order to make proper BIDS for the ReproNim/OHBM 2022 Educational course.