
python tools to link hypothesis and pinboard annotations to obsidian.

Primary LanguagePython

Annotation tools

exporting hypothesis annotations to obsidian (markdown files)

connecting hypothesis and obsidian.md. Inspired by the tutorial from Shawn Graham.

First, get ‘Hypexport’ from https://github.com/karlicoss/hypexport .

Install it with

pip install --user git+https://github.com/karlicoss/hypexport

Then, create a new text file; call it secrets.py and put into it your Hypothesis username and your developer token:

username = "USERNAME"
token = "TOKEN"

Getting annotations

Grab all of your annotations with:

python -m hypexport.export --secrets secrets.py > annotations.json

Creating markdown files

create an out directory for the markdown notes.

mmkdir out

create a .env file and add the date you want to pull annotations from. This environmment variable will be updated every time the function is called.


Then run python get_hypothesis_notes.py script.

Exporting pinboard notes

add pinboard API key to secrets.py file

pinboard_key = 'username:key-number'

add last pull variable to the .env file, e.g.:


then run:

python get_pinboard_notes.py

to do:

  • add #to-read tag to "read later" pinboard bookmarks
  • think about Maps of Content
  • tag hierarchies
  • tag disambiguation / suggestions / + bundles
  • think about [[links]] between pages (beyond tags)
  • look into images