
Implementation of database components from scratch

Primary LanguageC++

Datenbanksysteme und moderne CPU-Architekturen SS2015

[Lecture webpage] (www-db.in.tum.de/teaching/ss15/moderndbs/index.shtml)

Exercise implementation by

C++ Code style according to the [Google Styleguide] (https://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.html).

Compiled for Ubuntu (you need CMake and dev-tools to compile the source).

Assignment 1: External Sort

To run the test sorting 5 GB of data:

# inside dbimpl directory
# generate data
cd lib/data_generator
./gen ../../resources/test_data 83886080 # 5 GB (5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / 64)

# build executable
cd ../..
cd src/assignment1
cmake .

# run
./assignment1 ../../resources/test_data ../../resources/test_data_sorted 10

Assignment 2: Buffer Manager

To run the buffertest:

# inside dbimpl directory
cd testing/buffer
cmake .
# ./buffertest *pagesOnDisk* *pagesInRam* *threadCount*, e.g.
./buffertest 100 10 4

Assignment 3: Relations and Slotted Pages

To run the unit tests:

# inside dbimpl directory
cmake .

cd testing/relations
make -C ../.. relations_tests
cd ../..

cd testing/slotted_pages
make -C ../.. slotted_pages_unit_tests

Assignment 4: B+ Tree

To run the unit tests and given integration test:

# inside dbimpl directory
cmake .
cd testing/btree

make -C ../.. btree_unit_tests

make -C ../.. BTreeTest

Assignment 5: Operators

To run the iteration over SPSegment:

# inside dbimpl directory
cmake .
cd testing/slotted_pages

make -C ../.. slotted_pages_unit_tests
./slotted_pages_unit_tests --gtest_filter=SPSegmentIterationTest.*

cd ../..

To run the operator tests:

# inside dbimpl directory
cmake .
cd testing/operators

make -C ../.. operators_tests

Assignment 6: Parallel Hash Join

To run the unit tests:

# inside dbimpl directory
cmake .
cd testing/parallelhashjoin

make -C ../.. parallel_hash_join_tests

cd ../..

To run the benchmark:

# inside dbimpl directory
cmake .
cd testing/parallelhashjoin

make -C ../.. parallel_hash_join_benchmark
./parallel_hash_join_benchmark <sizeR> <sizeS> <threads>