
Harley Brewing System

Primary LanguageC++

Controller for the Harley Brewing System

Install Dependencies

Requires avrdude and gcc-avr.

$ sudo apt install arduino-mk

Initialise git submodules to fetch source code for display and temperature sensor (installed in firmware/lib).

$ git submodule init

Compile and Upload Firmware

The firmware was tested with Arduino UNO and Arduino Pro Mini. Both of these boards will auto reset i.e. no need to manually reset before upload.

Change port and baud rate in firmware/Makefile according to board. The Arduino UNO is generally on port /dev/ttyACM0 and can handle speeds up to 115200 baud. The Arduino Pro Mini is generally on port /dev/ttyUSB0 and can only handle speeds up to 57600 baud.

$ make upload
