
The Chicken Farm API is a web application that allows users to create, track, maintain, and delete egg laying records for chickens on a farm. It provides a RESTful API for managing chickens and their egg laying history. The Chicken Farm API also includes seeded data for 5 chickens and 2 egg laying records per chicken.

Notes and Instructions:

This program was created using Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 7.0

After cloning the repository, but before running the program, you will need to update the database. To do this:

*Using the .NET CLI, navigate to the ChickenFarmApi.DataAccess folder using this command: cd ..\ChickenFarmApi.DataAccess

*Once you have navigated to the correct location, type: dotnet ef database update in the .NET CLI and press enter. This will apply migrations and ensure the seeded data will show up once you run the program.

Next, you will want to make sure that the only Startup Project is the ChickenFarmApi project. To do this:

*Right click on the Solution and click "Properties". Under Common Properties-> Startup Project, make sure you have selected ChickenFarmApi under the "Single startup project" option.

Once the above steps have been completed, make sure to Build the Solution. To do so:

*Right click on the Solution and click "Build Solution"

Then Run the Solution and interact with the API through Swagger.

In Swagger you should see two sections, Chicken and Egg Record, each with their own Post, Get, Patch, and Delete functions.

The following features included in this project are:

  1. Make your application an API
  2. Make your application a CRUD API
  3. Make your application asynchronous
  4. Have 2 or more tables (entities) in your application that are related and have a function return data from both entities. In entity framework, this is equivalent to a join 5.Create a dictionary or list, populate it with several values, retrieve at least one value, and use it in your program.
Further Notes:

This is an application that I intend to continue expanding upon, so please check back for updates. Thank you for taking the time to check out my work!