Generic IDEA Plugin for Scala Macro Support

This is an experimental project to add Scala macro support to IntelliJ IDEA for any macro.


  • Currently, the communication between the macro and this plugin uses reading and writing of XML files. This is not ideal performance-wise.
  • This solution only works for macros which transform/generate class members/companion object members of the annotated class. Maybe it could be expanded to work on a wider range of macros
  • Remove all mentions of Silicon, as this project can be used independently of Silicon.


On the Macro Side

  • Build your custom macro for your Scala project using the template found in macro/template.scala.
  • The method saveConfig from the template saves all relevant data to a directory called .plugin in your Scala project.

On the Plugin Side

  • Compile the plugin using sbt packagePlugin.
  • The compiled plugin is ready to be installed in target/plugin/silicon-idea/lib/siliconIdeaPlugin.jar.
  • To install, inside IntelliJ: Preferences -> Plugins -> Install plugin from disk
  • If the plugin is correctly installed, the .plugin directory is read and IntelliJ should not highlight your macro usages as errors.