Tools for automatically retrieving files from Konica copiers/scanners
Copyright (c) 2023–24, Michael Scott Asato Cuthbert
Released under the BSD 3-Clause License (you may use and modify this code)
Konica has a pretty good interface for scanning in files in their copiers (business machines, etc.) but a pretty poor interface for retrieving them afterwards, and, as far as I can tell, no public APIs for doing so.
This script uses Selenium to automatically download everything in a Konica box.
From 2006–2024 I was professor of music at MIT and before that I was in Boston at Harvard for another 12 years. This meant I had a LOT of files etc. stored up. In Spring 2023, I scanned every paper file I owned (30 min a night x 120 days) and this script made it possible to do it quickly and cheaply (scanning services wanted $30,000!) Now I'm happily supporting my wife's career as a profeessor at U. of Hawai'i, but have all of my notes conveniently scanned. :-)
This was a one-time script. If you're using it and modifying it, let me know and I'll add you as a maintainer. I don't have access to a Konica scanner anymore, so I have no idea if this still works.