
This is prepared as part of MIDS W207's final project at University of California Berkeley.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is prepared as part of MIDS W207's final project at University of California Berkeley.


  1. Age_Gender_Assessment-2: Notebook containing assessment of impact of Age and Gender on the raw features using Cat Boost Model
  2. EDA: Notebook containing exploratory data analysis and assessment using LGBM and Logistic Regression models
  3. Feature Engineered Data-NaiveBayes: Notebook containing assessment using Naive Bayes model
  4. Feature Engineered Data-RandomForest: Notebook containing assessment using Random Forest model
  5. Feature Engineered Data: Notebook containing step by step process of Feature Engineering
  6. LogRegTrial_3: Notebook containing Logisitic Regression model on raw features reflecting data related errors observed
  7. README: Summary of project files
  8. W207_Project_Retrieval_and_Ranking_TFRS: Notebook containing auto feature retrieval and collaborative ranking using TenserFlow package
  9. kaggle.json: json file containing output from TFRS package
  10. targets.csv: Target variable file exported as csv from Feature Engineering notebook

We attempted to upload the features.csv file but github refused given its size of 4.3 GB.