
Web Maps, Observable, and Javascript

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Week 10
Web Maps, Observable, and Javascript


Updating your local environment

There is one new package we'll need this week so we'll need to update your Python environment.

Option 1

From the Anaconda Prompt or Terminal, run

conda activate musa-620
conda install -c conda-forge folium

Option 2

The environment.yml in this repository contains all of the necessary packages. To update your local environment:

Step 1. Download the environment.yml file in this repository to your computer.

Important: Make sure you download the raw version of the file from GitHub and that the file extension on your computer is .yml.

Step 2. From either the Anaconda Prompt (Windows) or Terminal app (MacOS):

conda env update --file environment.yml --name musa-620

where musa-620 should be the same name of the environment you have been using.
